While getting my routine dental checkup, I was pleased to meet Erica Gertsmeier, who works as a dental hygienist in Dr Nondorf’s Valparaiso Dental practice. Erica is a 2006 Washington Twp graduate and a former student in our CTE Early Childhood...
Jon Groth
Special Needs Golf Outing Successful in 33rd Year
The 33rd Annual Special Kids/Special Needs Golf Outing was held on Monday, Aug 6 at the Valparaiso Country Club. The Outing consisted of a full field of community supporters and generous local businesses. Last year, we gave over $13,000 back to the...
New Name and Direction for Vocational Education
Career and Technical Education is the new name today for vocational education. However, vocational education is far different today than in the past. Today’s facilities are technical laboratories that mirror the workplace in both appearance and...
Video Students Report from Notre Dame Game
Instructor, Mr. Phelps, was able to get press passes to the Notre Dame/Western Michigan game for two Portage High School students. The students were able to be on the field, attend the after game press conference, and visit the press box. Our...
2010 Kiwanis Chicken Dinner
Kiwanis Chicken Dinner Tickets for Popcorn Fest Tent Thursday, September 9$9 in advance, $10 at the door Dinner served from 4:30 – 6:30 Tickets are available from any Noon Kiwanis Club member and from the Porter County Career Center, Boy Conn...
Community Volunteers
Outstanding Community Volunteers Wanted! The Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis Club Foundation's mission is to support, encourage,and celebrate volunteerism in our community. Any non profit organization may nominate one volunteer. All nominees receive special...
The Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis Club Foundation Sponsors Its Eighth Annual Volunteer Recognition Program
The Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis Club Foundation sponsored its Eighth Annual Volunteer Recognition program on May 27. The Foundation presented plaques to all the nominated volunteers and a $500 donation to the Valparaiso High School Key Club. The...
Proud of the Porter County Sheriff’s Officers
I have been a member of the Porter County Sheriff’s Department Merit Board for almost 12 years. Our job on the Merit Board is to assist and monitor the administration in the hiring, promoting, and disciplining of Porter County Sheriff’s...