"Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." – Herodotus, 503 B.C. Contrary to popular believe, the United States Post Office has no official motto or creed. What...
Michael Raines
St. Mary Medical Center Hosts 10th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
The 10th annual Hearts of Hope tree lighting ceremony was held Wednesday afternoon at St. Mary Medical Center in Hobart. The yearly event highlights the benefits of cardiovascular research. Wednesday’s event featured the story of Raymond Perry, 31,...
Lindner, Drew Honored with VU Jersey Retirement
Of the hundreds of young men who have played basketball for Valparaiso University, none had his number retired until Wednesday night. Arguably the two greatest players in Crusaders history, Bruce Lindner and Bryce Drew had their exceptional careers...
Porter County Career and Technical Center Hosts Apprenticeship Fair
College isn’t for everyone, and that’s OK. That was the message on Tuesday afternoon at the Porter County Career Center, where an apprenticeship fair showed region students options in the skilled labor fields. “This is kind of the perfect time...
Valparaiso University Hosts “Beloved Community” MLK Day Convocation
As part of a week-long celebration of the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Valparaiso University hosted convocation on Monday in the Chapel of the Resurrection focusing on Dr. King’s vision of the beloved community. “The aftermath of...
A Valpo Life in the Spotlight: Bryce Drew
Over the course of his life, the city of Valparaiso has twice called to Bryce Drew. The first time, Drew was just a middle schooler. He moved to the city with his family when his father, Homer, became the head men's basketball coach at Valparaiso...
Ideas in Motion Media, GLEDC Host Social Media Boot Camp
Over a dozen representatives of various non-profits and small businesses braved temperatures in the teens and a couple inches of snow Wednesday evening to attend a social media boot camp hosted by Ideas in Motion Media and the Greater La Porte...
Valpo Advisory Council Supports Mayor’s Stance on HJR-6
With support from Freedom America, the Valparaiso Advisory Human Relations Council on Tuesday voted to express support to Mayor Jon Costas regarding his stance in opposition to HJR-6. Earlier Tuesday, Mayor Costas had joined forces with 11 other...
A Valpo Life in the Spotlight: Alec Peters
A freshman at Valparaiso University, Alec Peters hasn’t been in Northwest Indiana very long, but it’s his impact in another community that is catching attention. Peters and the Crusaders had just suffered a four-point loss at Ohio when the...