State Senator Karen Tallian

Tallian Appointed to Committee Studying Budget Recommendations

Tallian Appointed to Committee Studying Budget Recommendations Senator appointed to serve on six interim study committees, commissions State Senator Karen Tallian (D-Portage) has been appointed to serve on the State Budget Committee this legislative interim. The committee is a bipartisan and bicameral body...

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Intern with the Senate Democrats for 2013 Session

Intern with the Senate Democrats for 2013 Session Each year, the Indiana State Senate offers Hoosier students a chance to participate in state government. Spring-semester internships are available to college sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students and recent college graduates who are Indiana...

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Senate Approves Bill to Provide Amnesty for Delinquent Property Taxes

Senate Approves Bill to Provide Amnesty for Delinquent Property Taxes The Senate approved a bill Tuesday that would address the backlog of county delinquent property tax cases and help homeowners keep possession of their property. State Senator Karen Tallian (D-Portage) co-authored Senate Bill (SB) 165, which would...

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