
Links of the Week: YouTube, Summer Movies, and Do the Bears Have the Worst Owner in the NFL?

Links of the Week: YouTube, Summer Movies, and Do the Bears Have the Worst Owner in the NFL? It's Labor Day weekend, which usually signals the last chance for a vacation before the grueling fall and winter months ahead. So, I am celebrating by heading to Chicago for the weekend. It got me thinking: why don't I do that more often? Chicago is...

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Links of the Week: Fantasy Football, Entourage, and What Happens to Your Online Profiles When You Die

Links of the Week: Fantasy Football, Entourage, and What Happens to Your Online Profiles When You Die I think I may give up on Entourage. I've watched HBO's hit show, now in its sixth season, since the beginning. Entourage is not that bad of a show, it just is not that good. Each week, the premise of the show seems so good, and then 25 minutes later...

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Three Officers Receive Awards for Outstanding Police Work

Three Officers Receive Awards for Outstanding Police Work Chief of Police Michael Brickner presented three members of the Valparaiso Police Department with Honorable Mention Awards for outstanding police work at the city council meeting held Monday night at City Hall. Officer Ron Chapman received his award...

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Links of the Week: Baseball Fights, Quentin Tarantino, and the Ethics of Elderly Athletes Using PEDs

Links of the Week: Baseball Fights, Quentin Tarantino, and the Ethics of Elderly Athletes Using PEDs I think if there is one thing I learned from the Brett Favre "Will he or won't he" saga is that America craves decisiveness. I think that is why this whole situation got so out of hand. In case you have been living under a rock this week (or you just...

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