Last night, the White Sox’ Mark Buehrle did what has been done only 24 times in the 100+ year history of Major League Baseball. He threw his first perfect game. Being a Cub fan, Buerhle has always been the one member of the Sox I’ve actually...
Links of the Week: Purdue, Jimmy V, and Quite Possibly the Most Ridiculos Website Ever
A couple of days ago, I was listening to a podcast between Bill Simmons and Chris Connelly, and an interesting topic was brought up: "What is the defining movie of the '00's?" I stopped and initially thought, "I don't know if there is one". So, I...
National Night Out Neighborhoods Wanted
The Valparaiso Police Department will be participating in the 26th Annual National Night Out on Tuesday August 4th from 7pm to 9pm. National Night Out is an event designed to unite community members and police against neighborhood crimes. This is a...
Quick-Link Navigation
While the Navigation bar will help you find everything on the site, sometimes it would be nice to go directly to a page. We've set up a variety pf keywords that you can append to the url to redirect you to the...
Links of the Week: ESPN, Google, AIG, and (of course) Michael Jackson
(UPDATE: Correct AIG link now added. You can blame me, but I blame Joomla.)A lot can happen in a week’s time. This week alone, just in Valparaiso, there are five big events, put on by the city, charities, or the Parks Department. But outside of our...
Using the Search Engine
With our daily updates in articles, events, videos, and business listings, the library has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few months. This fact is a double edged sword because our breadth of information can easily lead to...
Twenty Nine Years and Still Going Strong
"Ultra awesome event" —that would be the definition of the 29th Annual Golf Outing for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Porter County, being held on July 9th at the Forest Park Golf Course. Yes, we have had celebrities in the past—golf pros, football...
Feng Shui Anyone?
Feng Shui or the ancient Chinese art of arranging furniture in your home a certain way to increase chi or life energy flowing into your home is a very interesting concept. There are some mystical elements to it that I honestly can't tell you if I...
Proud of the Porter County Sheriff’s Officers
I have been a member of the Porter County Sheriff’s Department Merit Board for almost 12 years. Our job on the Merit Board is to assist and monitor the administration in the hiring, promoting, and disciplining of Porter County Sheriff’s...
Memorial Day – What Does It Mean To You and How Can You Say Thank You?
We are coming up on the Memorial Day weekend at the end of next week, which leaves us plenty of time to think of what the holiday means to each of us, and how we might want to say thank you to those men and women that we honor that weekend for all...