Dr. Stacey Schmidt

Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: February 3, 2014

Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: February 3, 2014 I'm not sure we needed Punxsutawney Phil yesterday to see his shadow and tell us that we were in for six more weeks of winter. (This was also confirmed by Wiarton Willie--although Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam disagrees!) The only comfort is that...

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Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: January 27, 2014

Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: January 27, 2014 Don't Graduate Early, Earn Dual Credits! This past week I spent time at Ivy Tech in Valparaiso with Aco Sikoski, who is their Vice Chancellor. I was able to tour the campus and learn more about how we can increase dual credit opportunities for PTSC...

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Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: January 20, 2014

Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: January 20, 2014 The Indiana Department of Education has released letter grades for the 2012-2013 school year. We are pleased to report the following grades: Porter Township School Corporation: A (increased from a B in 2011-2012) Boone Grove High School: A (increased...

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Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: January 13, 2014

Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: January 13, 2014 Welcome to the new home of the Porter Township Schools Weekly Updates! I will continue to publish the same type of content each week, but will use a format that is easier for me to distribute to PTSC families and also our community. I hope you will...

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