Start Planning for Summer Fun Help girls plan a summer full of fun and engaging activities! We offer the perfect options for every girl's interests, whether she prefers day or resident camp. Registration opened in March and spots are filling quickly,...
Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
A Month of Thank Yous
We Couldn't do it Without You In honor of National Volunteer Month, we extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to our dedicated and passionate volunteers who inspire girls to become leaders. Thank you for donating your time and resources to...
Let Your Voices Be Heard!
Reminder! Let Your Voices Be Heard! Sign up for Girl Scout Voices! Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana and the Girl Scout Research Institute (GSRI) have partnered to provide opportunities for girls to share their thoughts and...
Help Make the Girls’ World Forum a Successful Event!
On July 11-17, girls from across the globe will converge on Chicago to address goals of eradicating poverty, gender equity, and environmental sustainability. We need your help to make this global event as successful as possible! Girl Scouts of...
Celebrate! Our Promise: Then, Now and Forever
Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana continues to honor past traditions while creating new ones. We are proud of the vast accomplishments of all our volunteers, and we would like to celebrate your successes. This spring, a dedicated...
Celebrate This Historic Day With Us!
On March 12, 1912, a small group of girls gathered in Savannah, Georgia, at the urging of Juliette Gordon Low to learn about a new opportunity for girls. Now, 100 years later, 59 million Americans, nearly half of all U.S. women, remember the fun and...
Beat the Feb. 3 Deadline, Apply Now
Apply to Be a Girl Representative Girls, if you're interested in world affairs, like meeting girls from other countries and would you like to combine your voice with other teen Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from around the world, the Girls' World Forum...
Be Part of Daisy’s Circle Today!
Thank you to my friends and family! Most of you know that the Girl Scouts are very important in my life. I believe in the mission of "building girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place." I'm proud that Girl Scouts...