What’s Going On: WPL Events Westchester Public Libraries hosted their annual summer reading program for both kids and adults this year. The theme for the kids up to age 11 was “Ready to Rock!” Kids who were enrolled in the program got a bingo...
Jennie Moran
#1StudentNWI: Chesterton’s Summertime Plans
What’s Going On Now that school is officially out, summer is in full swing. Chesterton’s spring sports all finished strong, as well. The baseball team made it to semi-state, senior golfer Mitch Davis made it to state, the softball team beat out...
#1StudentNWI: Graduation Celebrations at Chesterton High School
What’s Going On: The final bell rang for Chesterton High School at 2:45 on May 25, signaling the end of another successful school year. Students trudged through the last week, taking finals left and right, but the painstaking testing process was...
#1StudentNWI: Chesterton Wraps Up the Year
What’s going on: Spring Play, Nationals This past weekend, the Chesterton High School Theatre Dept. put on their performance of “The Somewhat True Tales of Robin Hood.” Opening night was Friday, April 20 and the show began at 7 pm. The...
#1StudentNWI: Spring Performances for Chesterton High School
Teacher Spotlight: Jennifer Jendrzejczyk For the past six years, english teacher Jennifer Jendrzejczyk has been the sponsor for CHS’ Student Government. In that time, StuGo has changed from a council to a three-tier government with an Executive...
#1StudentNWI: Highlighting Talent at Chesterton High School
What’s Going On This year, Chesterton High School’s annual winter play was meant for the whole family, which was a change from past productions such as “The Crucible.” Anne Sharp directed the theatre’s presentation of Della Tazel’s “The...
#1StudentNWI: Trojans Take on Second Semester
Teacher Spotlight: Chris Lowery For the past 15 years, social studies teacher and debate coach Chris Lowery has been working at Chesterton High School. He began working with the debate program, of which he used to be a member, when he began working...
#1StudentNWI: Chesterton’s New Year Brings Attention to Sports, Volunteers, and New Experiences
What’s Coming Up For most of the student body, coming back to school after Christmas vacation is an expected, albeit dreaded, part of the year. For some, however, the school year ended before that. The 2017-18 school year is over for some of the...
#1StudentNWI: Chesterton High School Highlights Justice, Generosity, and Talent in November
Teacher Spotlight: Mitch Nelson This year has seen the development of one of CHS’ newest clubs, the Social Justice League, headed by social studies teacher Mitch Nelson. “Social Justice League came about in early September as a direct response to...
#1StudentNWI: Chesterton Showcases Dedication and Achievement
What’s going on As October comes to a close, Chesterton High School is just beginning to celebrate the holidays. On October 30, Student Government will host their annual Hall-oween Trick or Treat. The event is to be held from 5-7 pm and kids as old...