Marc Ruiz

Mind on Money: Inflation impacts retirees differently than the general population

Mind on Money: Inflation impacts retirees differently than the general population As a financial adviser, one thing that is a constant is the need for continuing education and training. A typical financial adviser may be registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), hold an insurance license, and maintain a...

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Marc Ruiz of Oak Partners, Mind on Money: The best way to approach debt reduction

Marc Ruiz of Oak Partners, Mind on Money: The best way to approach debt reduction April is National Financial Literacy month so we are going back to financial planning basics. Last week we discussed the first two steps in the process toward financial independence used by many financial advisers, and promoted by financial media...

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Marc Ruiz of Oak Partners, Mind on Money: April is financial literacy month

Marc Ruiz of Oak Partners, Mind on Money: April is financial literacy month April is national financial literacy month. A topic near and dear to my heart. If I had to give America a financial literacy grade I would say we have a solid C+, but I believe we are trending higher. The very fact we have a high-profile financial...

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Marc Ruiz of Oak Partners, Mind on Money: Down to the wire on reducing 2018 tax burden

Marc Ruiz of Oak Partners, Mind on Money: Down to the wire on reducing 2018 tax burden With April 15 fast approaching, we are getting down to the wire on taking steps to potentially reduce your tax bill. As I mentioned in the column a couple of weeks ago, almost immediately following the Tax Reform and Jobs Act of 2017, the government...

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