Mental Health America presents “Treasures of the Past”—Antiques and Collectibles Show. MHA has been serving Porter County for over 50 years. "We advocate for the right to appropriate, quality and affordable treatment to maintain mental wellness...
Mental Health America of Porter County
Is It Just Winter Blues?
Mental Health America of Porter County is getting ready to embrace the upcoming winter months. This time of year is marked by colder weather and shorter days with less sunlight. During this time, many people experience a reduction in mood, or...
Ways to Give Back this Holiday Season
The Holiday Season is here! It is the season of giving, and Mental Health America of Porter County would like to remind you of the importance of giving back, and the many ways in which you can do so. Giving back not only helps out those in need, but...
Holiday Feasting: Importance of Portion Control
Thanksgiving is almost here! There are a lot of delicious foods and desserts to be had on this festive holiday, but Mental Health America of Porter County would like to remind you of the importance of portion control when it comes to eating. Binge...
Caring is Sharing!
For over 50 years Mental Health America of Porter County has sponsored the giftLIFT Program, providing a lift with a gift to community members in need whose lives are impacted by mental health. In 2012 over 2000 gifts made the holidays brighter for...
Stay Safe This Halloween
Mental Health America of Porter County realizes that Halloween is right around the corner! That means that it is time for costumes, candy, and decorations. With all of the fun that accompanies this holiday, MHAPC would like to remind you that there...
National Suicide Awareness Month: Warning Signs and Action Steps
Mental Health America of Porter County is joining our community in supporting National Suicide Awareness Month. According to the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System’s national study in 2011, 15.8% of students had seriously considered...
How to Calm the Stress of a New School Year
Mental Health America of Porter County (MHAPC) realizes that the beginning of a new school year can be a stressful time for families. Children have to cope with issues such as new teachers and classmates, bigger classrooms, new routines and more...
Developing Good Mental Health in Children
Summer is in full swing and Mental Health America of Porter County would like to reach out to all of the adults who are helping the children in their lives grow up healthy. Often times it is easy for adults to recognize a child’s basic physical...
Beat Summer Boredom
So it’s the end of the school year and classes are letting out for the summer. Kids are celebrating and rejoicing, while parents may be wondering how their child will pass the time outside of school. Even if your children are old enough to spend...