Join the Valparaiso Theatrical Company, "The Theatre that Cares," as they present a production of the Richard Rodgers musical "Two by Two." The show will be directed by Steve and Colleen Zana, with music direction by Deborah Porter and Choreography...
Valparaiso Theatrical Company
Specter of Treason- 50 Years!
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 50 years ago this year. To mark this event VTC presents: Specter of Treason-The Oswald Trial in November of 2013. Specter of Treason - The Oswald Trial By J.E.Ballantyne,Jr. Directed by Craig Kozora &...
Valparaiso Theatrical Company Presents Prelude To A Kiss
"Prelude To A Kiss" by Craig Lucas Memorial Opera House Nov. 9, 10, 11, & 16, 17, 18 2012!!! Friday & Saturday shows start at 8PM; Sunday shows at 2PM. Tickets are only $10.00 with $6.00 going to a different charity each night. This...