Job Title: ValpoNEXT Coordinator Weekly Time Commitment: 10-15 hours Major Functions: The coordinator of ValpoNEXT will be uniquely positioned to assist in leading the implementation of the ValpoNEXT Action Plan as created by the citizens of...
Valpo Next
ValpoNEXT Announces The Launch on September 24
The ValpoNEXT visioning effort invites the entire community to the unveiling of the citywide Vision Plan at The Launch event on Sept. 24, 6 to 8 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 1600 Roosevelt Road (entry 7 & 8). There will be a short...
ValpoNEXT Announces Last Call for Community Input
There’s one more opportunity to weigh in on your ideas for Valparaiso’s future in the ValpoNEXT visioning process! To participate, complete a simple online survey at by June 27. “The survey is the same one...
ValpoNEXT Summit Set for Wednesday, May 28
Please join me for the ValpoNEXT Community Summit this coming Wednesday, May 28, at the Harre Union on the Valparaiso University campus, from 6-8 p.m. The ValpoNEXT community planning effort has been going on for the past several months, and maybe...
ValpoNEXT Announces ‘What’s Next’?
Valparaiso’s ValpoNEXT visioning initiative continues to move forward, inviting the community to continue submitting Big Ideas through April 11. “We don’t want to miss any big ideas, but we need to start organizing concepts so we’re ready for...
ValpoNEXT Looks to Businesses
Valparaiso’s ValpoNEXT visioning initiative continues to gather information, this time focusing on the business community. ValpoNEXT is introducing a survey for Valparaiso businesses to collect ideas that will assist in developing the business and...
ValpoNEXT Invites Citizens to Bring their Big Ideas Online
Even if you missed the Big Idea Workshops for ValpoNEXT, opportunities for submitting ideas continue with an online discussion forum at “We hope people will log on and become part of the discussion. We welcome further ideas...