Graduation On June 3rd, Wheeler graduated one of the most successful classes it has ever seen. The class of 2018 made achievements across the board. Success was seen within academics, athletics, fine arts, and extra curriculars. The senior class was...
Emma Santos
#1StudentNWI: Wheeler Counts up the Final SCORE
What's Happened: On April 27th, the bearcats dressed to impressed. The 2018 Prom took place from 7 PM to 11 PM at Avalon Manor. Students spent all day getting ready for the much anticipated event. The grand march began at 5:30 in the auditorium....
#1StudentNWI: Wheeler Showcases Academics in April
Showcasing Academics On April 12th, four students at Wheeler were invited to participate in the first round of Making the Grade. This is a trivia-type competition where two panels of students face each other. The announcer asks a questions about...
#1StudentNWI: Wheeler Students Take a Stand in March
Students Take a Stand Students at WHS decided to make a statement to honor the victims of the recent shooting at Stoneman Douglas. Students had read about other schools across the nation who were walking out to bring awareness to the tragedy and...
#1StudentNWI: Wheeler Rivalries and ISSMA Competition
ISSMA Although choir does not have a traditional state tournament to compete against other schools in, they do have a district competition to qualify for a separate state competition. Each year, the Wheeler choirs perform an array of music that’s...
#1StudentNWI: Wheeler Recycles and Celebrates Seniors in January
Project Green New clubs are constantly appearing at every high school. However, students noticed a unique new club at Wheeler last fall. The new club, called Project Green, was brought about to inform the school about environmental issues and ways to...
#1StudentNWI: Wheeler Focuses on Giving Back
Student Highlight Senior Hayley Johnson has dedicated much of her time toward the school. When she is not doing school work, Johnson can be found in the east wing of the school. She is a member of concert choir, show choir, theatre, and a student...
#1StudentNWI: Wheeler’s Soccer Success and Madrigal Dinner
Small Town at State At a school of around 500 students, it's not expected for there to be much success in sports. However, Wheeler High School has proven itself on numerous occasions. The girls’ soccer team made it all the way to the Class A State...
#1StudentNWI: Wheeler Bearcats Showcase Fall Athletes and School Spirit
Midnight Masquerade: A Masterpiece Wheeler’s 2017 Homecoming Dance, sponsored by the student council, was a success. Students were a bit skeptical at first since this year’s dance was hosted outside under a tent, but they quickly realized they...
#1StudentNWI: Wheeler With Senior Excellence, New Faces, and Homecoming Prep
A Successful Start to Senior Year Lillian Burton is only two weeks into her senior year but has already accomplished a lot. Lillian has her hands full with clubs and organizations. She is the president of National Honor Society, vice president of Key...