Housing Opportunities, Inc.

Young Chesterton Girl Shows Her Philanthropic Spirit

Young Chesterton Girl Shows Her Philanthropic Spirit Philanthropy is defined as the love of people. There are many ways to be philanthropic, whether it is volunteering, serving on a nonprofit board of directors or committee, or giving a financial gift, just to name a few. As we go through life, how we...

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Porter County, Indiana: 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness

Porter County, Indiana: 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness Please join us to unveil Porter County’s 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness. It is essential to have a coordinated, comprehensive strategy to end homelessness and rapidly return households to stable, permanent housing. With the engagement of diverse...

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North Coast Food Drive – Just In Time For Holidays

North Coast Food Drive – Just In Time For Holidays Housing Opportunities would like to thank North Coast Beverage for their donation of 816 pounds of canned goods and paper products. The donation came from a food drive and was personally delivered by Todd Wagenblast and other North Coast employees....

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