In June, Kankakee Valley REMC sent four high school students to Washington D.C. in a week long trip as a part of the Youth Tour program. High school juniorswho are on their way to becomingseniors can apply for the trip, and it is completely...
Kankakee Valley REMC To Host Electric Vehicle Test Drive Experience
Kankakee Valley REMC embraced the electric vehicle technology this year when they purchased a 2019 Chevy Bolt. Now they are anxious to share what they have learned with area residents and the cooperative’s membership at the upcoming electric...
The Caring Place receives $5,810 grant for beds at new shelter
Kankakee Valley REMC recently presented The Caring Place of Valparaiso with a $5,810 grant through the Operation Round Up Trust community grant program. This grant will assist the shelter in purchasing 48 beds for the new shelter scheduled to open...
Kankakee Valley REMC makes first day of school fun for every child
For the last six years, Kankakee Valley REMC (KVREMC) has hosted their Pack-a-Backpack program, a school supply drive that collects basic school supplies for less fortunate students from schools within their service areas. According to the...
Help Us Pack A Backpack
We all know the joy in having new school supplies on the first day of school. Help us provide that excitement for the areas less fortunate students. We are collecting the following supplies to help in packing school ready backpacks. Supplies needed...
Record Crowds Elect New Representatives at 80th Annual KV REMC Celebration
Classics cover band 45 RPM rocked the night for a record-breaking crowd at the Kankakee Valley REMC 80th Annual Meeting Celebration in Valparaiso. Attendees lined up to vote for First and Second District Representatives, then shared a buffet dinner....
Kankakee Valley REMC Honors Arbor Day by Donating 800 Trees
Above: Jeff Newburn, line superintendent for Kankakee Valley REMC, shows students a picture of an electrical box to help illustrate that electrical lines can be in the air or buried in the ground. More than 800 local fourth-graders will have the...
Izaak Walton Goes to Bat for Bats
The Porter County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America recently installed specially designed roosting structures on a local conservation property to help several species of endangered bats. They were assisted by the Kankakee Valley Rural...
Nachiket Magesh Wins KV REMC District Spelling Bee
America’s oldest and most iconic national competition first began at the table of nine newspaper companies who created the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Little did they know that, 90 years later, their literacy efforts would reach 11 million...