Track While hosting the Kouts Invite, the Fillies finished in second place. First place finishers for that night were Sydnee Hill in the long jump and 1600 meter relay team of Gabby Rogers, McKenna Palmer, Faith Robertson and Ryleigh Cadwell. The...
Nicole Fackelman
#1StudentNWI: January 2017 Sports Recap at Kouts High School
For Kouts patrons and students, basketball season is equivalent to a football season. Kouts thrives in the season that celebrates sweaty students, iconic plays, ticking anticipation, and determination. So, when basketball season rolls around, not...
#1StudentNWI: Homecoming and Hoops at Kouts High School
Hoopin’ It: The girls picked up their first win of the season against West Central, 23-21. Sadie Leatherman led the Fillies with eight points and five rebounds, followed by Morgan Kobza who added seven points and ten boards. Chloe Koedyker trailed...
#1StudentNWI: Ritz, Glitz, and a Whole Lotta’ Appreciation at Kouts High School
November Updates Kouts High School celebrated their annual Veteran’s Day program on November 11th. With the seniors and government teacher Susan Sanders running the show, the students managed to pull off a pretty great program. A video was recorded...
#1StudentNWI: Streaks, Peaks and a Silent Auction at Kouts High School
Medals & Sectional Matches: The Fillies soccer team won their fourth straight match September 21st, 2 to zero, against Morgan Township in PCC play. Emmalee Deardurff scored the first goal on a penalty kick while Gabby Rogers pulled another. The...
#1StudentNWI: You Scream, I Scream, We all Scream for the Kouts Teams
The Thrill of the Run Boys and girls cross country teams took two victories on August 31st. The boys were led by Jay Heinold, Kody Dick, Chase Jefferson, and Logan Davis who took the first four spots, followed by Drew Saulsgiver, Hunter Yager, Waco...
#1StudentNWI: Kouts High School Starts the Year Off Right
Coming Back Home It’s school time once again! Rush to Walmart, get your 50 cents school supplies, and hit the road to the big, beautiful, brick layout of the home you’ve come to know: Kouts High School! Starting August 17th, not only have we...
#1StudentNWI: Honor and Accomplishments for Kouts High School Students and Teachers
Graduation Another year has come and so soon flew by in the blink of an eye as the seniors of Kouts High School cross from childhood into adulthood. Another year filled with laughs, piles of homework, vocational, college visits, and finally the...
#1StudentNWI: The Beginning of June at Kouts High School
What's Happening?Music and Athletic Banquet Awards: On May 21st, the annual Music Banquet handed out awards for musically talented students. Awarded the Sousa Award was Grant Hamstra and National Choral was awarded to Kyley Pittman. For the...
#1StudentNWI: Showing Off Talent and Compassion at Kouts High School
What's HappeningMurder by Indecision: Age has caught up with Agatha Crispy (Amanda Gardin), the world’s best-known mystery playwright, as she attempts to crank out her newest and last manuscript. Senility is setting in and the words just don’t...