- (tbd) Limited
- 1st American Management
- 1st Source Bank
- 219 Health Network
- 27 Entertainment
- 4th Street Theater
- 500 Turkeys
- A Positive Approach to Teen Health (PATH)
- A Rosie Place for Children
- A Will for Welfare
- A.J. McLinn
- Aadil Khan
- Aaron Gogel
- Aaron Ingram
- AAUW Valparaiso Affiliate
- Abby Babcock
- Abby Swartz
- Abie Mwaura
- Abigail Buksa
- ABRA Rescue Angels
- Access La Porte County
- Acorn Theater
- Adam El-Khailani
- Adam Gill
- Adam Mlynarcik
- Addison Kuntz
- Addison Nevorski
- Addison Pointe Health & Rehabilitation Center
- Adriana Harris
- Adult Learning Center
- Advanced Dental Concepts
- Advancing Christ Kingdom Ministries Michigan City
- Aimee Fausto
- Aimee White
- Air One, Inc.
- Airey Financial Group
- AJ Capuano
- Al Lesar
- Al Trost
- Alaa Abdeldaiem
- Alayna Holifield
- Alayna Wilkening
- Albano's Villa
- Albert's Diamond Jewelers
- Alec Turner
- Aleena Mongerie
- Aleisa Amos-Pony
- Alena Baez
- Alex Bustos
- Alex Nelson
- Alex Otto
- Alex Srednoselac
- Alex Vaughn
- Alex Wolf
- Alexa Blanton
- Alexander Nelson
- Alexis Jenkins
- Alexis Largent
- Alia Nix
- Alicia Ebaugh
- Alicia Martinez
- Alissa Fiorentino
- All Pieces Fit
- Allegius Credit Union
- Allison Bewick
- Allison Flasch
- Allison Glen
- Allison Livinghouse
- Allison Nusbaum
- Allison Tunstall
- Ally Henrich
- Ally Mitchell
- Allyn Hane
- Alyanna Walsh
- Alyson Gomez
- Alyssa Chartrand
- Alyssa Foster
- Alyssa Frazier
- Alyssa Suprenant
- Alzheimer's Association
- AMA Design & Print
- AMA Michiana
- Amanda Brown
- Amanda Kuiphoff
- Amanda Lyons
- Amanda Pirowski-Alaniz
- Amber Carper
- Amber Ferguson
- Amber Nelson
- Amber Tomlinson
- Ameila Kowalisyn
- Amelia Sutherlin
- American Association of Blacks in Energy
- American Association of University Women
- American Bankers Association
- American Cancer Society
- American Community Bank
- American Greyhound
- American Heart Association
- American Legion Auxiliary Portage Unit 260
- American Legion Post 502
- American Legion Post 94
- American Licorice Company
- American Passenger Rail Heritage Foundation
- American Red Cross
- American Renolit
- American Teens in Crisis Conference
- AmeriCorps
- Amy Armstrong
- Amy Doelling Osterhout
- Amy Hartz
- Amy Howard
- Amy Page
- Amy Parry
- Amy Petri
- Amy Sanderson
- Amy's Memorial Ride Organization
- Anabelle Tokash
- Anam Cara Stables
- Anchor Home Health Care
- Ancilla College
- Andrea Caprous
- Andrea Colson
- Andrea Evans
- Andrea John
- Andrea Mackert
- Andrea Marvel
- Andrea Wolfinsohn
- Andrean High School
- Andrew Bauer
- Andrew Grimm
- Andrew Gross
- Andrew Guenther
- Andrew Holt
- Andrew Knies
- Andrew Kvachkoff
- Andrew Miles
- Andrew Redick
- Andrew Rowe
- Andrew Scutt
- Andrew Vicari
- Andy Maletta
- Andy Miles
- Anekah Fish
- Angel Fund
- Angel Jacobs
- Angela Abina
- Angela Bender
- Angela Boland
- Angela Holderread
- Angie Moser
- Angie Sohacki
- Anjelica Mendoza
- Ann Barber
- Anna Butkovsky Hearn
- Anna Dumelle
- Anna Funk
- Anna Hanson
- Anna Herr
- Anna Marquardt
- Anna Ortiz
- Anna Polkowski
- Anna-Lisse Lenard
- Annabella Piunti
- Annamarie Lungu
- Anne Brandt
- Anne M. Wodetzki
- Anne Marie Wadle
- Anne-Marie Prince
- Anneke Dekker
- Annette Abrego
- Anthony Cleveland
- Anthony Hudson
- Anthony Phillips
- April Beres
- Aqua Systems of Valparaiso
- Arc Northwest Indiana
- ArcelorMittal
- ArctiCon
- Arena Sports Network
- Ariel Cassell
- Arielle Cummings
- Armando Gomez
- Art Barn
- Art Education Association of Indiana
- Art Hill Auto Group
- Arts in the Park
- ASFRunning
- Ashley Schiyer
- Ashley Spargo
- Ashley Wilson
- Ashley Wisnieski
- ASRacing
- Associated Pediatricians
- Atom Groom
- Aubrey Baker
- Aubrey Thomson
- Aubrie Collins
- Audrey Belancin
- Audrey White
- Augsburg Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Aurora B Boutique
- Austin Passine
- Autum Meyers
- Autumn Cole
- Autumn Prast
- Autumn's Army
- Ava Fasshauer
- Ava Jimenez
- Avalon Springs Health Campus
- Avery Tegt
- Aviva Valparaiso
- Aylesworth Elementary School
- B & G Sealcoating
- Bacon Fest Portage
- Badreddine Bouzeraa
- Bailey Chavis
- Bailey Roberts
- Bailly Elementary School
- Bain Capital Credit, LP
- Ball State University
- Ballet Folklorico Tapatio Of Northwest Indiana
- Barb Fortner
- Barb Grimsgard
- Barb Hamner
- Barb Mack
- Barbara Friedman
- Barbara Halle
- Barbara Jo Adkins
- Barbauld Agency
- Barile Ford
- Barker Mansion
- Barker Middle School
- Barney and Pendleton Financial Group
- Bart Harvey
- Bartholomew Funeral Home
- Baskets for Breast Cancer
- Beacon Academy
- Beatles Music Festival
- Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church of La Porte
- Becca Wireman
- Becky Wilburn
- Begin Again Rescue Co
- Bekah Postma
- Bella Born
- Belvedere Senior Housing
- Ben Kolodzinski
- Ben Lamb
- Ben Polhemus
- Ben Wilson
- Benjamin F. Edwards & Co.
- Benjamin Franklin Middle School
- Bert Cook
- Best Buddies Pet Pantry
- Beth Ireland
- Beth Johnson
- Beth Santos
- Bethany Church
- Bethel Valparaiso
- Bethesda Lutheran Communities
- Better Business Bureau Serving Northern Indiana
- Better Home Service
- Beverly Payton
- Bharatiya Temple of NWI Indian American Cultural
- Bianca Alessia
- Bickford Assisted Living and Memory Care
- Bicycle Indiana
- Big Shoulders Fund
- Big Ten Network
- Bikers Against Child Abuse Northwest Indiana Chapter
- Bill Bollinger
- Bill Carroll
- Bill Graf
- Bill McCoy
- Bill Nelson
- Birdland Productions
- Bishop Noll Institute
- Blackbird Cafe
- Blair Milo
- Blastcamp Paintball & Airsoft
- Blooms Greenhouse Grower Outlet
- Blue Chip Casino Hotel & Spa
- Bob Barron
- Bob Carnagey
- Bob Craig
- Bob Franko
- Bob Phelps
- Bob Schlimgen
- Bob Schwartz
- BoBB Auto Group
- Bobby Cox
- Bomber Girls LRC
- Bonner Senior Center
- Bonnie Molln
- Boone Grove Elementary School
- Boone Grove High School
- Boone Township School Corporation
- Boston Middle School
- Boulder Bay Realty
- Boy Scout Troop 45
- Boy Scout Troop 456
- Boy Scout Troop 906
- Boy Scout Troop 908
- Boy Scout Troop 928
- Boy Scout Troop 929
- Boy Scouts of America
- Boy Scouts of America, LaSalle Council
- Boy Scouts Pack 920
- Boys & Girls Club of La Porte County
- Boys & Girls Club of Michigan City
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County
- Brad Cavanaugh
- Brad Painter
- Brandon Miller
- Brandon Vickrey
- Brauer Museum of Art
- Brenda Baugher-Wallace
- Brenda Charron
- Brenda Coleman
- Brenda Hutchings
- Brenda Morgan
- Brendan Biesen
- Brendan Hegeduis
- Brenden Melvin
- Brenna Sealy
- Brennen Kelly
- Brent Page
- Bret Laczynski Brain Cancer Research Fund
- Brett Fuller
- BrewAthlon
- Bria Gibson
- Brian Bennett
- Brian Brophy
- Brian Donnelly
- Brian Grabinski
- Brian Ton
- Brian Williams
- Briana Petty
- Brianna Kraus
- Brianna Reeves
- Briar Leaf Golf Club
- Bride Church
- Bridge Community Church
- BridgePoint Church
- Bridget Martinson
- Brielle Lobody
- Brien Nash
- Brighitte Snemis
- BrightStar Care of Lake County
- Brilliant Results Cleaning
- Brittany Mikolajczyk
- Brittany Young
- Broderick Kosiara
- Brooke Blanchard
- Brooke Regalado
- Brookfield Zoo
- BruceAnn Singleton
- Brummitt Elementary School
- Bryan Benke
- Bryan McCarty
- Bryanna St. Myers
- BucherTech
- Buckley Homestead
- Building Indiana
- Burn 'Em Brewing
- Burns Harbor
- Burns Harbor Parks Department
- Burns Harbor Redevelopment Commission
- C.J. Skok
- Caden Walsworth
- Cafe Manna
- Caitlin Dziewicki
- Caitlin Vanlaningham
- Caitlyn Kingery
- Caitlyn Vantine
- Caleb Anglin
- Calin Florek
- Calli Empey
- Caloe Peretti
- Calumet Astronomical Society
- Calumet College of St. Joseph
- Calumet Council Boy Scouts of America
- Calumet Region Striders
- Calumet Roundtable
- Calvary Church
- Cambridge Companies
- Cameron Banga
- Cameron Campbell
- Cameron Cooper
- Cameryn Rodriguez
- Camie Marfoe
- Campagna Academy
- Campus Life
- Candace Arvin
- Candace Gwaltney
- Candace Shaw
- Candy Wilson
- Canterbury Summer Theatre
- Cappos
- Career Academy Network
- Cari Postma
- Caring Place
- Carissa Cantu
- Carl Cochran
- Carla Pillai
- Carla Warchus
- Carly Christensen
- Carly Kwiecien
- Carmelite Guild
- Carnahan Foundation
- Carol Short
- Caroline Albers
- Carolyn Belko
- Carolyn Raine-Foreman
- Carrie Bedwell
- Carrie Crisan
- Carrie Sanidas
- Carrie Sorrells
- Carson Scott
- Carson Witkop
- Carter Dahlgren
- Carter Puckett
- CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocates
- Casey Earl
- Cassi Such
- Cassidy Framke
- Catey Violanti
- Catherine Anne Brown
- Catherine Davis
- Cathie Dull
- Catholic Charities
- Catholic Foundation for Northwest Indiana
- Catholic Order of Foresters
- Cause 2 Compete
- Cavanaugh and Nondorf Orthodontics
- Cavia Mead
- CCSK Law
- Cece's Lemonade Stand
- Cedar Lake
- Center for Creative Solutions, Inc.
- Center for Education and Career Innovation
- Center for Hospice Care
- Center for Visual and Performing Arts
- Center of Workforce Innovations
- Center Township Trustee
- Centers for Vein Care
- Centier Bank
- Central Baptist Church
- Central Church of God
- Central Elementary School
- Central Girls Softball
- Century 21 Alliance Group
- CertaPro Painters of Northwest Indiana
- Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana
- Champion Foundation Foundation
- Chaos Haunted & Historical Tours
- Char Maule
- Charles Beard
- Charles Puetzer
- Charlie Byrd
- Charlie Crowley
- Charlie Roberts
- Charlotte Sterling
- Charmagne Abangan
- Charter Fitness
- Chelsea Lott
- Chelsey Dunleavy and Madalyn Allender
- Cher Wright
- Cherie Gill
- Cheryl Garbison
- Cheryl Wooten
- Chester Inc.
- Chesterton - Duneland Kiwanis
- Chesterton Adult Learning Center
- Chesterton Art Center
- Chesterton Boys Lacrosse
- Chesterton Fire Department
- Chesterton FOP
- Chesterton Ghost Tour
- Chesterton High School
- Chesterton Knights of Columbus
- Chesterton Middle School
- Chesterton Montessori School
- Chesterton Police Department
- Cheyenne Cook
- Chi Sigma Iota
- Chicago Bears
- Chicago Street Theatre
- Child Evangelism Fellowship in Northwest Indiana
- Chloe Casey
- Chris and Lou
- Chris Boshoven
- Chris Day
- Chris Evans
- Chris Kiser
- Chris Mahlmann
- Chris Sandberg
- Chrissy Giotte
- Christ Heir Skate Competition
- Christ Lutheran Church
- Christa Essany
- Christi Doolittle
- Christian Community Action
- Christian Danner
- Christina Colon
- Christina Giotte
- Christine Bushby
- Christine Fuller
- Christine Harsh
- Christine Hedman
- Christine Hisick
- Christine Roche
- Christine Rosiak-Tomaszewski
- Christopher Cain Sanders
- Christopher Harris
- Christopher Hedges
- Christopher Pino Pupillo
- Christopher Pupillo
- Christopher Runnion
- Chuck Abraham
- Chuck Garber
- Chuck Gutzwiller
- Chuck Lukmann
- Church of the Four Seasons
- Cindy Hughes
- Cindy Laczynski
- Cineflix USA
- Citizens Concerned for the Homeless, Inc.
- City of Chicago
- City of Crown Point
- City of East Chicago
- City of Gary
- City of Griffith
- City of Hammond
- City of Hobart
- City of La Porte
- City of La Porte Park and Recreation Department
- City of Lake Station
- City of Michigan City
- City of Mishawaka
- City of Portage
- City of Porter
- City of Valparaiso
- City of Whiting
- City Point Church
- Civil Air Patrol
- Claire Bailey
- Claire Blaney
- Claire Kenney
- Clarissa Espinoza
- Classical Blast
- Claudia Airey
- Cliff Dolezal
- Cline Avenue Bridge, LLC
- Clyde Stout
- Coach Benke
- CoAction
- Coalition of Affordable Housing
- Cody Hauber
- Cody Morse
- Coffee Creek Watershed Preserve
- Colin Lenburg
- Colleen Brennan
- Colleen Cosgrove
- Colleen Hannon
- Colleen Hansen
- Collin Czilli
- Collin Gee
- Comcast
- Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana
- Compassion Marketplace
- CompressAir
- Concerned Citizens for Syrian Refugees
- Concert Association of Valparaiso
- Congressman Frank J. Mrvan
- Congressman Pete Visclosky
- Congressman Peter Visclosky
- Conner Sunday
- Contribute
- Contributor
- Cooks Corners Elementary
- Cooley Priestly
- Cortney Rose Robinson
- Course at Aberdeen
- Courtney Gomez
- Courtney Hamrick
- Courts of NWI
- Crazy Legs Race Series
- Creekside Golf Course
- Crichfield Elementary School
- Crisman Elementary
- Crossroads Baptist Church
- Crossroads Family Church
- Crossroads Family Dental
- Crossroads Northwest Indiana's Chamber
- Crossroads YMCA
- Crown Point Adult Learning Center
- Crown Point Alumni Association
- Crown Point Community Foundation
- Crown Point Community Library
- Crown Point Community School Corporation
- Crown Point Community Theatre
- Crown Point Fire Department
- Crown Point High School
- Crown Point Library
- Crown Point Parks & Recreation
- Crown Point Police Department
- Crown Point Quarterback Club
- Crown Point Rotary Club
- Crown Point Special Events
- Crown Point United Methodist
- Crystal Sands
- Cub Scout Pack 510
- Cub Scout Pack 512
- Culver's
- Currie Motors Ford of Valpo
- Curt Kendall
- Curtis Hankins
- Cybernetic Communication Consulting
- Cynthia Russell
- Cynthia Shelhart
- Cynthia Vendl
- D. Cohn Communications
- Dale Ailes
- Dale Ready
- Damon Modglin
- Dan Bowker
- Dan Carpenter
- Dan Kodicek
- Dan McGuire
- Dan Petreikis
- Dan Pritchett
- Dan Sherman
- Dana Dabagia
- Dana Liss
- Dana Taylor
- Danaisha Twillie
- Daniel Asselstine
- Daniel Doss
- Daniel K. Plath
- Daniel Karr
- Daniel Kudrna
- Daniel Pritchett
- Danielle Collins
- Danielle Helfrich
- Danielle Rancifer
- Danielle Topping
- Danielle Yakovetz
- Darel Walker
- Darla Sheets
- Darlene McCarty Cohn
- Dave Branneman
- Dave Mika
- Dave Wohler
- Dave Woodson
- David Boomker
- David Dabagia
- David Hunter
- David Mika
- David Nail
- David Pittman
- David Souders
- David Tyler Sheets
- David Zuccarelli
- Davison Robie
- Dawn Brown
- Dawn Burton
- Dawn Noel Fitzer Brown
- Dawn Ryan
- Dawn SayMemories
- Dawn Steele
- Dawn Wright
- DayJonnae Riggins
- Dayspring Womens Center
- Dean and Barbara White Family Foundation
- Dean Martin Perrine
- Deanna Grimes
- Deanna Schmidt
- Deb Armstrong
- Deb Cubberley and Helen Gioia
- Deb Townsend
- Debbie Eaton Shaffer
- Debbie Ogden
- Debbie Shaffer
- Debra Dudek
- Debra Jones
- Debra Misecko
- Debra Shaffer
- DeCamp's Band of Brothers Foundation
- Deena Lawley
- Delia Lopez
- Delta Kappa Gamma
- Delta Theta Tau Philanthropic Sorority
- Delta Theta Tau Sorority
- DeMotte Elementary School
- Denice Scott
- Dennis Claussen
- Dennis Duncan
- Dennis Ticen
- Dennise Furnish
- Dental Arts Groups
- Derek Chirch
- Derek Germain
- Derek Perkins
- Derek Smith
- Desiree Johnson
- Destiny Flores
- Destiny Givens
- Developing Our Youth Organization
- Diana Santos
- Diane Cooley
- Diane M. Gross
- Diane Ostojic
- Diane Spivak
- Diggity
- Dillon McCarty
- Dina Doherty
- Disabilities & Disorders With Dignity
- Discovery Charter School
- Discovery Tracker 4-H Club
- Disposable Theatre
- DJ CrazyBob
- Doelling Decorating Center
- Dolly Ohara
- Domenica Hartman
- Domino's Pizza
- Don Asher
- Don Babcock
- Donald Way
- Donette Heinze
- Donna Catalano
- Donna Flanagin
- Donna George
- Donna Lind
- Donna Rodewig
- Donna Seeley
- Donna Stuckert
- Door Church of LaPorte
- Door Village Harvest Festival
- Door Village Methodist Church
- Doraluz Garcia Camacho
- Dorothy Graden
- Dorothy Lakshmanamurthy
- Doug Deutsch
- Doug Mogck
- Douglas Knutson
- Downtown La Porte
- Downtown South Bend
- Dr. Barbara Eason-Watkins
- Dr. Bonnie Stephens
- Dr. Debra J. Dudek
- Dr. Glade Montgomery
- Dr. Jay M. Drew
- Dr. Jim Arnold
- Dr. John Steven Paul
- Dr. Martin Luther King
- Dr. Richard Weigel
- Dr. Stacey Schmidt
- Dream Chasers of NW Indiana
- Drew Holt
- Drew Tallackson
- Duaa Khan
- Dunebrook
- Duneland Area Exchange Club
- Duneland Athletic Conference
- Duneland Ballroom
- Duneland Business Initiative Group
- Duneland Chamber of Commerce
- Duneland Community Church
- Duneland Education Foundation
- Duneland Elementary
- Duneland Exchange Club
- Duneland Family YMCA
- Duneland Health & Wellness Institute
- Duneland Kindermusik
- Duneland League of United Latin American Citizens
- Duneland School Corporation
- Duneland Tri Kappa
- Duneland Weavers Guild
- Dunes Learning Center
- Dunes Moraine District, BSA
- Dunes National Park Association
- Dunes Shore District Council
- Dunes Volleyball Club
- Duo Sequenza
- Dustin Harrington
- Dyan Leto
- Dyandra Morris
- Dyer Fire Department
- Dyer Parks & Recreation
- Dyer United Methodist Church
- Dylan Scott
- Eads Elementary
- Early Learning Partnership of NWI
- East Chicago Emergency Management Agency
- East Chicago Fire Department
- East Chicago Parks and Recreation
- East Chicago Police Department
- East Chicago Redevelopment Committee
- East Chicago Salvation Army
- East Porter County Clay Crushers
- East Porter County School Corporation
- Economic Development Corporation Michigan City, Indiana
- Ed Charbonneau
- Ed Gilliland
- Ed Mosser
- Ed Siska
- Eddie Melton
- Eden Priest
- Edna Elwood
- Edward Byrne
- Edwin Standifer
- Edyn Mertz
- Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation
- Eisenhower Elementary School
- Eleanor Nohos
- Elena Cheek
- Elena Giorgi
- Elevate Ventures
- Elias Crim
- Elijah Taylor
- Elise Kratkoczki
- Elise Sims
- Elizabeth Coy
- Elizabeth Hough
- Elizabeth Krutz
- Elizabeth Swihart
- Elizabeth Wehren
- Elkhart Community Schools
- Ellie Chandos
- Ellie Williams
- Elston Middle School
- Emerson Dance Alliance
- Emily Away
- Emily Chaples
- Emily Fezatt
- Emily Fouts
- Emily Kozina
- Emily Moe
- Emily Vogt-Skish
- Emma Bailey
- Emma Heffron
- Emma Pollitt
- Emma Rice
- Emma Santos
- Emma's Footprints
- EMPOWER Porter County
- EndoGastric Solutions
- Envious Trends Fitness
- Eric Brant
- Eric Carter
- Eric Giboyeaux
- Eric Keith
- Eric McDonald
- Erica George
- Erica Lockhart
- Erica Wirsing
- Ericka McCauley
- Erika Dutcher
- Erika McClinton
- Erin Blumenthal
- Erin Evers
- Erin Parker
- Erwin's Marine
- Ethan Levy
- ETROPAL Theatre and Lounge
- EUPHORIA Band - Chicago
- Evan Dye
- Evelyn Turner
- Everwise Credit Union
- Every Child Ministries
- Evi Lovin
- Excel Center
- Excelsior Lodge #41
- Extra Mile Fitness Company
- Faith & Family with Jacki & Julie
- Faith Briggs
- Faith Church
- Faith City Assembly of God
- Faith Lutheran Church
- Faith Memorial Lutheran Church
- Family & Youth Services Bureau
- Family Advocates
- Family Bible Church
- Family Concern Counseling, Inc.
- Family House of Porter County
- Family Life Series Workshops
- Farrah Goodall
- Featured
- Fegely Middle School
- Fellowship Baptist of Westville
- Fernando Ortiz
- Festival of the Lakes
- Festival Player's Guild
- Fiddlehead
- Fieler Elementary
- Fighting Pretty
- First Baptist Church of Hammond
- First Baptist Church of South Haven
- First Baptist Church of Valparaiso
- First Bible Church of Portage
- First Merchants Bank
- First Presbyterian Church
- First Presbyterian Church of Michigan City
- First Presbyterian Church of Portage
- First Presbyterian Church of Valparaiso
- First Tee of Valparaiso
- First Trust Credit Union
- First United Methodist Church
- First United Methodist Church of Chesterton
- First United Methodist Church of Crown Point
- First United Methodist Church of LaPorte
- First United Methodist Church Of Valparaiso
- Fit4Mom NWI
- Flanagins Bulk Mail Service
- Flint Lake Elementary
- Flora Akers
- Folds of Honor Foundation
- Food Bank of Northwest Indiana
- Footlight Theatre
- Footloose 5K
- Foundation For Molecular Medicine
- Four Fathers Brewing LLC
- Four Winds Casinos
- Foy Spicer
- Fr. Jim Greanias
- Framing Concepts Galleries
- Fran Milo
- Franciscan Health
- Frank J. Mrvan, North Township Trustee Wicker Memorial Park
- Frank Mrvan for Congress
- Frank Szczepanski
- Fraternal Order of Police Dunes Lodge #75
- Fred Cicco
- Fred Martin
- Frederick Tressler
- Frida Arellano
- Friends and Newcomers of Porter County
- Friends Assisting Women in Need (FAWN)
- Friends of DeMotte Parks
- Friends of Fishing
- Friends of Portage Township Foundation, Inc.
- Friendship Botanic Gardens
- Fronius
- Front Porch Music
- Frontline Foundations
- Gabis Arboretum at Purdue Northwest
- Gabriel Rocha Foundation
- Gabriella Van Horne
- Gabriels Horn
- Gail Beal
- Gail Galvan
- Garcsa Brooks
- Gareth Kaye
- Garrett Spoor
- Gary Bouchard
- Gary Career Center
- Gary Community School Corporation
- Gary Hartman
- Gary Parks Department
- Gary Public Transportation Corporation
- Gary Shakespeare Company
- Gary Southshore RailCats
- Gary Steelers Pop Warner
- Gary-Chicago International Airport
- Gateway for Cancer Research
- Gatorade Company
- Gena Demuth
- General Insurance Services
- Genesius Guild of Hammond
- Georgeann Quealy
- Gerald Hartnett
- Giant Paw Prints Rescue
- Gibson Insurance
- Gina Cullen
- Gina Wagenblast
- Ginger Sajdera
- Ginter Realty Hornets
- Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
- Girls on the Run of Northwest Indiana
- Giselle Flores
- Glen S Johnson
- Glenn Adler
- Gloria Dei Lutheran Hispanic Mission
- Gloria Notaro
- Good Sam Club Indiana Travelers Chapter 96
- Good Time Cloggers
- Goodrich Quality Theaters Portage 16 IMAX
- Goodwill Industries of Michiana
- Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana
- Gordon Stamper
- Goshen Community Schools
- Goshen Health
- Goshen High School
- Gospel Bowl
- Governor Eric J. Holcomb
- Governor Mike Pence
- Governor Mitch Daniels
- Grace Bentkowski
- Grace Chapel
- Grace Harrah
- Grace Higbie
- Grace Learning Center
- Grace Milroy
- Grace Safrin
- Grace Wothke
- GracePoint Church
- Great Lake Sound Chorus
- Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative
- Great Lakes Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, P.C.
- Great Lakes Region Civil Air Patrol
- Greater Hammond Community Services
- Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce
- Greater La Porte Economic Development Corporation
- Greater La Porte Ministerial Association
- Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce
- GreatNews.Life
- Greenways Foundation
- Greg Coulter
- Greg Dettinger
- Gregg Fraley
- Gregory P. Farrall
- Gretchen Monette
- Gretchen Rossetti
- Gretchen Scott
- Griffith Boy Scout Troop 264
- Griffith Career Center
- Griffith Chamber of Commerce
- Griffith Family YMCA
- Griffith Fire Department
- Griffith Police Department
- Group 7even
- Guardian Riders
- Guardians of the Green Mile
- Guinevere Clark
- Gwen Kiser
- Gwen Mathis
- Gwen Rapley
- Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Indiana
- Habitat for Humanity of Porter County
- Hailey Bianco
- Hailmann Elementary School
- Haley Alexander
- Halo of Hope
- Hammond Arts Center
- Hammond Baptist School
- Hammond Civic Center
- Hammond Education Foundation
- Hammond Family YMCA
- Hammond INnovation Center
- Hammond Office of Economic Development
- Hammond Parks & Recreation
- Hammond Police Department
- Hammond Public Library
- Handley Elementary School
- Hanna Frickson
- Hanna Lions Club
- HannaFest
- Hannah Demchak
- Hannah Kole
- Hannah Reed
- Hannah's Hope
- Hanover Central High School
- Hanover Central Middle School
- Hanover Community School Corporation
- Harbor Buick GMC
- Harbor Country Adventures
- Harbor Country Hikers
- Harley Davidson Michigan City
- Harley Davidson Valparaiso
- Harmonies For Healing
- Harmony House / CASA Program of La Porte County, Inc
- Harriet Fagan
- Hartman Global IP Law
- Hasse Construction
- Hayes Leonard Elementary School
- Hayley Shipley
- Haynen Johnson
- Head Honchos'
- Health Foundation of La Porte
- HealthLinc
- Healthy Communities of La Porte County
- Heartland Christian Center
- Hearts in Motion
- Heather Ames
- Heather Augustyn
- Heather Curlee Novak
- Heather Hite
- Heather Punak
- Heather Schulz
- Heather Wells
- Hebron Chamber of Commerce
- Hebron High School
- Hebron Middle School
- Helen Pliskey
- Helping Hands Daycare
- Helping Hands of Northwest Indiana
- Heritage Lutheran Church
- Hessville Little League
- Highland Education Foundation
- Highland High School
- Highland Parks & Recreation
- Highland Pop Warner
- Highland Redevelopment Commission
- Hilltop Neighborhood House
- Hines Plumbing
- Historical Society of Ogden Dunes
- Hobart Chamber of Commerce
- Hobart Community Foundation
- Hobart Elks Lodge 1152
- Hobart Family YMCA
- Hobart Girls Softball
- Hobart High School
- Hobart Jaycees
- Hobart Parks Department
- Hobart Police Department
- Hobart Special Events
- Hobart Tri Kappa
- Hogan Cloud Services
- Holladay Construction Group, LLC
- Holladay Properties
- Holli Boyle
- Holly Kunze
- Holy Cross Lutheran Church
- Holy Family Westside 5K & Trojan Stampede
- Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
- Homan Elementary
- Home Builders Association of Northwest Indiana
- Home Team of La Porte County
- Honda of Michigan City
- Hoosier Basketball Magazine
- Hoosier Burn Camp
- Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry
- Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Horizon Bank
- Horseshoe Casino
- Hospice of the Calumet Area
- Housing Opportunities, Inc.
- Hubworks
- Humane Indiana Wildlife
- Humane Society Calumet Area
- Humane Society of Hobart
- Humane Society of Northwest Indiana
- Hurricane Gumbo
- I Wanna Go Home Rescue
- Ian Rubin
- Ideas in Motion Media
- Ignite Medical Resorts
- Imagination Glen Park
- Imani Butts
- Immanuel Lutheran Church
- Immanuel Lutheran School
- Improductions LLC
- Independent Cat Society
- Indian Trail Elementary School
- Indiana American Water
- Indiana Arts Commission
- Indiana Association of School Principals
- Indiana Ballet Theatre
- Indiana Basketball Coaches Association
- Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame
- Indiana Beverage
- Indiana Builders Association
- Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles
- Indiana Career Council
- Indiana Center for Education & Career Innovation
- Indiana Center of Workforce Innovations
- Indiana Chamber of Commerce
- Indiana Coaches of Girls' Sports Association
- Indiana Commission for Higher Education
- Indiana Council for Economic Education
- Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
- Indiana Crushers
- Indiana Dawgz
- Indiana Department of Administration
- Indiana Department of Child Services
- Indiana Department of Education
- Indiana Department of Health
- Indiana Department of Natural Resources
- Indiana Department of Transportation
- Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs
- Indiana Department of Workforce Development
- Indiana Donation Alliance Foundation
- Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
- Indiana Dunes State Park
- Indiana Dunes Tourism
- Indiana Economic Development Corporation
- Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
- Indiana Greenways Foundation
- Indiana High School Athletic Association
- Indiana High School Swimming and Diving Hall of Fame
- Indiana Historical Society
- Indiana Hospital Association
- Indiana House of Representatives
- Indiana INTERNnet
- Indiana Jewish Historical Society
- Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame
- Indiana Network of Knowledge
- Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
- Indiana Office of Energy Development
- Indiana Office of Technology
- Indiana Parenting Institute
- Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
- Indiana Primary Health Care Association [IPHCA]
- Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
- Indiana Professionals Recovery Program
- Indiana Senate Democrats
- Indiana Senate Republicans
- Indiana Small Business Development Center
- Indiana State Board of Education
- Indiana State Department of Agriculture
- Indiana State Department of Health
- Indiana State Police
- Indiana State Senate
- Indiana State Teachers Association
- Indiana University
- Indiana University Northwest
- Indiana University South Bend
- Indiana Veterans Hall of Fame
- Indiana Wing Civil Air Patrol
- Indiana Workforce Development
- Indiana Youth Institute
- IndivisibleNWI
- Industrial Revolution
- INFINITI Motor Company
- Inland Manor Baptist Church
- Interfaith Community PADS
- Ireland Hanna
- Isabella Evers
- Itzury Becerra
- Ivan E. Bodensteiner, Attorney
- Ivy Tech
- Iyanna Adkins
- Jack Brogan
- Jack Carroll
- Jackie Altizer
- Jackie Cabrera
- Jacklyn Bontrager
- Jackson Elementary School
- Jackson Hayes
- Jackson Street Community Garden
- Jacob Doolin
- Jacob Griffin
- Jacob Knoblock
- Jacob's Ladder Pediatric Rehabilitation
- Jacqueline Ridge
- Jacqueline Smith
- Jade Mehok
- Jaden Amos
- Jaeson Chang
- Jaime Bauer
- Jake Sidwell
- Jake Wheeler
- Jalynn Madison
- Jamari Washington
- James Cullen
- James Doane
- James M. Zajac
- James Senese
- James Tudor
- Jamey Barnett
- Jamie Bogaard
- Jamie Cruz
- Jamie Ellis
- Jamie Zega
- Jan Diekow
- Jan Kostielney
- Jan Lee
- Jan Luken
- Jan McCorkle and Cindy King
- Jan Walker
- Jan Zurek
- Jane Delligatti
- Jane Grennes
- Jane Lump
- Jane Powers
- Jane Schreiner
- Jane Strayer
- Janet L Kostielney
- Jared Brubaker
- Jarod Borem
- Jaselyn Alvarez
- Jason Dorshorst
- Jason Mann
- Jason Reihl
- Jasper County
- Jay Weinberg
- Jaymie Pliskey
- JB's Nerf Zone
- JBI Insurance
- Jean Stoelb
- Jeanette Gray
- Jeanne Sommer
- Jeanne Zurek
- Jeannene Anderson
- Jeff and Robyn Walsworth
- Jeff Cagwin
- Jeff Coto
- Jeff Eriks
- Jeff Lawley
- Jeff Moore
- Jeff Oleck
- Jeff Rupe
- Jeff Smith
- Jeffrey Smith
- Jellystone Park
- Jen Abatie
- Jen Chavarria
- Jen Sass
- Jeni Bolton
- Jenn Eubanks
- Jenna Diehl
- Jennie Moran
- Jennifer Arzola
- Jennifer Bissonnette
- Jennifer Bugajski
- Jennifer Chavarria
- Jennifer Donohue
- Jennifer Draves
- Jennifer Gazdick
- Jennifer Harkel
- Jennifer Hippie
- Jennifer Hufford Goshen
- Jennifer Hurley
- Jennifer Lambert
- Jennifer Lemmon
- Jennifer Mrozinski
- Jennifer Owens
- Jennifer Paulson
- Jennifer Quinlan
- Jennifer Randall
- Jennifer Reilly
- Jennifer Small
- Jennifer Smolnicky
- Jennifer Wright
- Jenny Cervantes
- Jenny Craig Brown
- Jenny Hagstrom
- Jerame Simpson
- Jeremy Kienitz
- Jeremy Rivas
- Jerry Fieser
- Jerry Puckett
- Jersey Streiter
- Jesse Harper
- Jessica Avey
- Jessica Bailey
- Jessica Campbell
- Jessica Craig
- Jessica Griffin
- Jessica Jepsen
- Jessica Mangual
- Jessica Marquez
- Jessica McFadden
- Jessica Parlock
- Jessica Yanez
- Jill Baker
- Jill Woodsmall
- Jillian Gudenschwager
- Jillian Spano
- Jim Anton
- Jim Burke
- Jim Cullen
- Jim Flannery
- Jim Harvey
- Jim Jessup
- Jim LaRocco
- Jim Paglia
- Jim Thompson
- Jimmy Lafakis
- Jo Anne Rosenow
- Jo Nugent
- Joan Dittmann
- Joan Grott
- JoAnn Palko
- Jodi Thompson
- Jodie James
- Jody Severson
- Joe Alessi
- Joe Angelo
- Joe Clifford
- Joe Kasper
- Joe Lanning
- Joe Otis
- Joe Porter
- Joe Wszolek
- Joey Pavell
- Johanna Stull Smith
- John Albers
- John Arredondo
- John Borman
- John Borman and Jeff Mescal
- John Espar
- John Glenn High School
- John Hartman
- John Jaramillo
- John King
- John Little
- John Metzler
- John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
- John Simatovich Elementary
- John Tabor
- John Tuomi
- John V Shepherd
- John Zack
- Johnny On The Spot
- Johnson's Farm Produce
- Jon Groth
- Jon Miller
- Jon Sheets
- Jon Snyder, Porter County Assessor
- Jon Wolf
- Jona Robinson
- Jonas E. Salk Elementary School
- Jonathan Eddy
- Jonathan S. Nalli
- Jonathan Thomas
- Jones Elementary School
- Joni White
- Jordan Galligan
- Jordan Loeffler
- Jordan Szymanski
- Jose Elizondo
- Jose R. Moreno
- Joseph LaPatra
- Joseph S. Pete
- Joseph Wszolek
- Josh Daniels
- Josh Lawrence
- Josh Walker
- Joshua Abatie
- Joshua Tudor
- Josie Jent
- Josie Oxendale
- Journey Senior Living of Merrillville
- Journeyman Distillery
- Jovi Taylor
- Joy Lundstrom
- Joy Sunday
- Joyce Hicks
- Juan Carrasquillo
- Judy Alders
- Judy Commers
- Judy Kukelka
- Judy Mollway
- Julia Chappell
- Julia Demma
- Julia Gonzalez
- Julia Maina
- Julia Perla Huisman
- Julia Rhode
- Julianna Phelps
- Julie Castillo
- Julie Hayden
- Julie Lauck
- Julie Peller
- Julie Semento
- Julie Storbeck
- Julio Herrera
- Junior Achievement of La Porte County
- Junior League of South Bend
- Justin Luna
- Justin Rhinefield
- Justin Vining
- Kadience Rogers
- Kahler Middle School
- Kai Ball
- Kai Vitality
- Kaitlin Edquist
- Kaitlin Horgash
- Kaitlyn Moore
- Kaitlyn Palcek
- Kaitlyn Steinhiser
- Kale Nelson
- Kali Beatty
- Kami Tupiak
- Kankakee Valley High School
- Kankakee Valley Historical Society
- Kankakee Valley REMC
- Kappa Delta
- Kara Fasone
- Kara Lauson
- Kara Wissing
- Karen A. Gajewski
- Karen Aguilar
- Karen Behrend
- Karen Bjonback
- Karen Daniels
- Karen Freeman-Wilson
- Karen Keltner
- Karen Maravilla
- Karen Pence
- Karen Tallian
- Kari Wolfe
- Karin Birchel
- Karin Stark
- Karin Woodside
- Karissa Niehoff
- Karl Tatgenhorst
- Karyn Wenger
- Katarina Grant
- Katarina Gregurich
- Kate Collins
- Kate Manning
- Katelyn Marciniak
- Katelyn Stermer
- Katherine Everly-Lowry
- Kathleen Walsh
- Kathryn Strimbu
- Kathy Anderson
- Kathy Bledsoe
- Kathy Chavez
- Kathy Foust
- Kathy Levandoski
- Kathy Mangel
- Katie Chas
- Katie Lenard
- Katie Mantooth
- Katie Phillips
- Katie Richardson
- Katie Seibel
- Katy Webber
- Kay Marcum
- Kay Nallenweg
- Kay Spencer
- Kaye Frataccia
- Kayla Belec
- Kayla Hofferth
- Kayla Oberholtzer
- Kayla Weiss
- Kaylee Allen
- Kayti Grable
- Keegan Darr
- Keenan Baxter
- Kellen D. Mogck Memorial Scholarship Foundation
- Kelli Scurlock
- Kelly Coppage
- Kelly Hunt
- Kelly Molchan
- Kelly Schwedland
- Kellyn Vale
- Kelsea Costello
- Kelsey's Steak House
- Kelsie Choy
- Ken Elwood
- Ken Iwama, Chancellor, Indiana University Northwest
- Ken Peterson
- Ken Pylipow
- Ken Shilt
- Kent's Run 5K
- Kerith Ackley-Jelinek
- Kesling Middle School
- Kevin Brinson
- Kevin Bruinsma
- Kevin Burton
- Kevin Cornett
- Kevin Feldman
- Kevin Gale
- Kevin Giese
- Kevin Gould
- Kevin Holechko
- Kevin Kieft
- Kevin Kosek
- Kevin Morgan
- Kevin Nevers
- Kevin Sayler
- Kevin Scott
- Kianah King
- Kibble Kitchen Pet Pantry
- Kids Alive International
- Kieran Larkin
- Kim DeSalvo
- Kim Gavaller
- Kim Hall
- Kim Lynch
- Kim Ranegar
- Kim Schmick
- Kim Stephens
- Kimani Krienke
- Kimberly Deboer
- Kimberly Michalski
- King David Komedy
- Kingsbury Acres Greenhouse
- Kingsbury Elementary
- Kirsten Kaczmarek
- Kirsten Renehan
- Kittie F Blackwell
- Kiwanis Club of La Porte
- Kiwanis Club of Portage
- Klaudette Spencer
- Knight Foundation
- Knights of Columbus
- Knoblock Real Estate Group
- Kole Rushmore
- Korellis Roofing Inc
- Kotys Wealth Professionals
- Kouts Public Library
- Kovenz Memorial
- Kramer & Leonard
- Kris Pate
- Kristen Gushrowski
- Kristen Kearney
- Kristen Knuth
- Kristen Swindle
- Kristiana Donahue
- Kristin Beahm
- Kristin Lewis
- Kristine White
- Krueger Middle School
- Krystyn Smith
- Kubble Kitchen Pet Pantry
- Kurtis Kintzel
- KwaTashea Marfo
- Kyla Heard
- Kyle Boyd
- Kyle Douglas
- Kyle Elementary School
- Kyle Granat
- Kyle Hovanec
- Kylee Benninghoff
- Kylee Hendron
- Kyler Wagner
- Kyra Dabbert
- Kyrstin Burns
- La Leche League of Porter County
- La Lumiere School
- La Porte Arts in the Park
- La Porte Chamber of Commerce
- La Porte Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM
- La Porte City Band
- La Porte Community School Corporation
- La Porte Community Turbos Swim Club
- La Porte County 4-H Club
- La Porte County Career & Technical Education Program
- La Porte County Career and Technical Education
- La Porte County Community & Economic Development
- La Porte County Council on Aging
- La Porte County Draft Horse Association
- La Porte County Family YMCA
- La Porte County Habitat for Humanity
- La Porte County Historical Society
- La Porte County Indiana Genealogical Society
- La Porte County Library
- La Porte County Master Gardeners
- La Porte County Office of Economic Development
- La Porte County Public Library
- La Porte County School Corporation
- La Porte County Sheriff Department
- La Porte County Solid Waste District
- La Porte County Symphony Orchestra
- La Porte Crush
- La Porte Cub Scout Pack 880
- La Porte Development Alliance
- La Porte Economic Advancement Partnership
- La Porte Educational Development Foundation
- La Porte Fire Department
- La Porte First United Methodist
- La Porte Genealogical Society
- La Porte High School
- La Porte High School Athletic Department
- La Porte High School Choir
- La Porte Historic Preservation Commission
- La Porte Historical Society
- La Porte Hospital
- La Porte Jaycees
- La Porte Kiwanis Club
- La Porte Lazers
- La Porte Lions Club
- La Porte Little Theatre Club
- La Porte Ministerial Association
- La Porte New Church
- La Porte Police Department
- La Porte Pop Warner
- La Porte Post Office
- La Porte Rotary Club
- La Porte Salvation Army
- La Porte Service League
- La Porte Slicer Baseball
- La Porte Sluggers
- La Porte Urban Enterprise Association
- Lacare Art League
- Lacey Hersman
- Lachelle Bender
- LaCrosse High School
- Lacy McCarthy
- Lady Leaders Team
- Lady Viking Soccer
- Lake Area United Way
- Lake Central High School
- Lake Central Public Relations
- Lake Central Publications
- Lake Central School Corporation
- Lake County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #125
- Lake County IN Economic Alliance
- Lake County Master Gardners
- Lake County Parks
- Lake County Public Library
- Lake County Sheriffs Department
- Lake Courthouse Foundation Inc.
- Lake Hills Baptist Church
- Lake Hills Elementary
- Lake Ridge New Tech School
- Lake Station Chamber of Commerce
- Lake Street Gallery
- Lakeland Park
- Lakeshore Community Concerts
- Lakeshore Paws
- Lakeshore PBS
- Lakeside Association
- Lakeside Wealth Management
- Lana Cantu
- Lance Werner
- LaPorte Country Small Animal Shelter
- LaPorte County Bar Association
- LaPorte County Drug Free Partnership
- LaPorte County Family Advocates
- LaPorte County Family YMCA
- LaPorte County Habitat for Humanity
- LaPorte County Master Gardeners
- LaPorte County Red Cross
- LaPorte County Right to Life Banquet
- LaPorte County Soil & Water
- LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra
- LaPorte Crush 10u Baseball Team
- LaPorte High School
- LaPorte Lacrosse Club
- LaPorte New Church
- LaPorte Savings Bank
- LaPorte Urban Enterprise Association
- LaPorteCountyLife.com
- Larry A Brechner
- Larry Pender
- Larry Smock
- Larry T. Brown
- Larry Tumbleson
- Larry White
- Larson-Danielson Construction Company
- LaSalle Council Boy Scouts of America
- Latitude Commercial
- Laura Blaney
- Laura Groth
- Laura Gutzwiller
- Laura Norris
- Lauralynn Duensing
- Lauren Grasham
- Lauren Jeffries
- Lauren Molenda
- Laurie Griffith
- Laurie Mayes
- Laurie Soares
- Laurie Wehner-Evans
- Laurie Wink
- Lawrence Hacker
- Layla Carroll
- Leadership La Porte County
- Leadership Northwest Indiana
- League of Women Voters
- League of Women Voters of Porter County
- Leah Lawson
- Leanna Early
- Legacy Foundation
- Leigh Morris
- Leigh Westergren
- Leilani Bigott
- Len Clark
- Len Clark
- Lenny Corso
- Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys
- Leslie McCall
- Lesly Bailey
- Lesson Loft LLC
- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Indiana Chapter
- Levin Tire & Service Center
- Lewis J. Kyes Jr.
- Lexi Elisha
- Lexie Schatz
- Lia Hasier
- Lia Milroy
- Liana Boulles
- Libbie Gilliland
- Liberty Bible Church
- Liberty Bible Church of La Porte
- Liberty Elementary School
- Liberty Intermediate School
- Life Bridge Christian Church
- Life Care Center of the Willows
- Life Care Center of Valparaiso
- Lifecare Center of Valparaiso
- Lightning Bug Music Festival
- Lily Ullrich
- Lincoln Elementary
- Linda Alessi
- Linda Beach
- Linda Lemond
- Linda M. Zyla
- Linda Schonbachler
- Linda Wash
- Lindsay A. Gear
- Lindsey Elderkin
- Lindsey O'Brien Kesling Wishing Tree Foundation
- Lisa Broton
- Lisa Dilley
- Lisa Fietz
- Lisa Floran
- Lisa Fox
- Lisa Graff
- Lisa Hamscher
- Lisa Mayes
- Lisa Miller
- Lisa Misch
- Lisa Moreno
- Lisa Sandberg
- Lisa Sargent
- Lisa Skripac
- Lisa Starkey
- Lisa Stojanovich
- Lisa Stressler
- Lisa Thomas
- Lisette Guillen
- Lissa Yogan
- Listen to your Mother
- Living Hope Community Church
- Liz Baggett
- Liz Latham
- Liz Manning
- Liz Powers
- Liz Zombik
- Logan Ozdyck
- Loren Hershberger
- Lori Foglesong
- Lori M. Staack
- Lori's Smile
- Lorie Cook
- Lorri Feldt
- Louise Thompson
- Lovelyn Palm
- Lovings Heating and Cooling
- Lowell Adult Learning Center
- Lowell Chamber of Commerce
- Lowell High School
- Lubeznik Center for the Arts
- Luccas Hallow
- Lupus Foundation of America, Indiana Chapter, Inc.
- Lutheran Summer Music
- Luz Gonzalez
- Lydia Fleming
- Lydia Gierke
- Lyla Surane
- Lynda Haniacek
- Lynn Aldrich
- Lynn Bower
- Lynn Karagory
- Lynn Marie Wilson
- Lynn O'Hara
- Lynn Roberts
- Lynn Wilson
- M & M Ross
- MAAC Foundation (Multi Agency Academic Cooperative)
- MAAP Services for Autism
- Macaira O'Connell
- MacArthur Elementary
- Mackenzie Halas
- Maddie Blaney
- Maddie Nolan
- Maddie Royter
- Madison Coapstick
- Madison Dinga
- Madison Gaskins
- Madison Gresham
- Madison Ring
- Madison Wolff
- Madyson Ruzbasan
- Maggi Spartz
- Maggie Andrews
- Maggie Evans
- Mailyn Guifarro
- Make-a-Wish Foundation of Northwest Indiana
- Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
- Malika Saxena
- Mallory Fuller
- Mallory Stanage
- Mandel Smith
- Mandy Haack
- Manny Garcia
- Marc Ruiz
- March of Dimes, Indiana Chapter
- Marci Crozier
- Marcia Alexander
- Marco Hernandez
- Marcos Blount
- Maria Braun-Perez
- Maria Leontaras
- Maria Olympidis
- Maria Reiner Center
- Maria Sebastian
- Mariana Venturella
- Marilyn Loomis
- Marina Shores
- Marisa Johnson
- Marissa Brys
- Marissa Hurst
- Marissela Lynch
- Mark Ailes
- Mark Becker
- Mark Halliar
- Mark Heckler
- Mark Kolasa
- Mark Kosior
- Mark Mybeck
- Mark P. Johnson
- Mark Pastoret
- Mark Ruiz
- Mark Schreiber
- Marquette Catholic High School
- Marquette Park United Methodist Church
- Marram Health Center
- Marsha Moore
- Marti Masterson
- Martin T. Buinicki
- Marty Corley
- Marwa Nour
- Mary Allen
- Mary Beth Schultz
- Mary Buksa
- Mary Chandler
- Mary Clancy
- Mary Cobble
- Mary Cooper
- Mary F. Allen
- Mary Freda
- Mary Hedge
- Mary Moreno
- Mary Parkman
- Mascot Hall of Fame
- MasterTech Pest Control
- Matt Blaschke
- Matt Doyle, Methodist Hospitals
- Matt Evans
- Matt L. Ottinger
- Matt Murphy of the Valparaiso Redevelopment Commission
- Matt Rasnic
- Matt Schreiber
- Matt Scott
- Matt Smith
- Matt Stefanski
- Matt Wanke
- Matt Welter
- Matt Werner
- Matt Workman
- Matther Werner
- Matthew B. Byerly
- Matthew Melton
- Matthew Rasnic
- Matthew Stefanski
- Matthew Steigley
- Mattson Owens
- Maureen Davey
- Max Bebekoski
- Max Harsha
- Max Willis
- Maya Radjenovich
- Mayor Blair Milo
- Mayor Greg Ballard, City of Indianapolis
- Mayor Ron Meer
- McAfee Animal Hospital
- McCafe Animal Hospital
- McColly Real Estate
- McDonald's
- McKenzie Jacobs
- McKinley Elementary
- Meagan Deprizio
- Meaghan Painter
- Meals on Wheels of Northwest Indiana
- Megan Berchem
- Megan George
- Megan Heavner
- Megan Lambert
- Megan Lee
- Megan Marrs
- Megan Rigg
- Megan Rue
- Megan Sikes
- Megan Summers
- Meggie Tolkland
- Meghan Braddy
- Melissa Czekaj
- Melissa Deavers
- Melissa Washburn
- Melissa Westphal Benefiel
- Memorial Elementary School
- Memorial Opera House
- Mental Health America of Lake County
- Mental Health America of Porter County
- Mercy Turner
- Merrillville Community Schools
- Merrillville Education Foundation
- Merrillville High School
- Merrillville Intermediate School
- Merry Meals
- Methodist Hospitals
- Methodist Hospitals Breast Care Center
- Methodist Hospitals Foundation
- Methodist Hospitals Trauma Services
- Michael Berta
- Michael Bukur
- Michael E Conner
- Michael Essany
- Michael Grennes
- Michael Hadt
- Michael J. Hoffman
- Michael Linert
- Michael Mick
- Michael Okeley
- Michael Prentiss
- Michael Raines
- Michael Riley
- Michele Gustin Craig
- Michelle Kay Schrader
- Michelle Matlock
- Michelle McCaskey
- Michelle Newcomb
- Michelle Reavis
- Michiana Humane Society
- Michiana Renegades
- Michiana Resources
- Michiana Shores Volunteer Fire Department
- Michigan City
- Michigan City Area Chamber of Commerce
- Michigan City Area Schools
- Michigan City Basketball League
- Michigan City Black History Month Committee
- Michigan City Chamber Music Festival
- Michigan City Commission on the Social Status of African-American Males
- Michigan City Education Foundation
- Michigan City Fire Department
- Michigan City High School
- Michigan City Human Rights Commission
- Michigan City Islamic Center Womens Auxiliary
- Michigan City Lions Club
- Michigan City Mainstreet Association
- Michigan City NOW
- Michigan City Parks and Recreation Department
- Michigan City Police Department
- Michigan City Pop Warner
- Michigan City Public Art Committee
- Michigan City Public Library
- Michigan City Rotary
- Michigan City Salvation Army
- Michigan City Soul Steppers
- Michigan City Summer Fest
- Michigan City Transit
- Michigan City Women
- Michigan City Womens Bowling Association
- Michigan City, Refuse Department
- Mickey Morandini
- Micki Webb
- Midwest Center for Youth and Families
- Midwest Express Clinic
- Miguel E. Rosario-Vega
- Mikaela Karolzak
- Mikaela Meyer
- Mike Adams
- Mike Bartholomew
- Mike Bucko, Porter County Treasurer
- Mike Grennes
- Mike Hainline
- Mike Jakubisin
- Mike Riehle
- Mike Rosta
- Mike Sopko
- Mike Sutton
- Milissa Evans
- Mill Creek Lions Club
- Miller Beach Arts & Creative District
- Mina Hanson
- Mindy Beier, Morgan Stanley
- Mindy Reineke
- Ming Washington
- Minister Edwina K Shields
- Miranda Serletic
- Miriam Christensen
- Mishawaka Parks
- Miss Great Lakes Pageant
- Missi Maynard
- Missio Dei Church
- Missy Hernandez
- Mitch Barloga
- Mitch Miller
- Mitchell Saco
- Mno-Bmadsen
- Moe Monette
- Moeller Funeral Home
- Molly Caplice
- Molly Jane Dunscombe
- Molly Joll
- Molly Phelps
- Momentum Church
- Mommy's Haven
- MOMS Club of La Porte
- MOMS Club of Valparaiso
- Mona Sehgal
- Mona Sehgal & Mary Cobble
- Monica Decker
- Monica Jarvis
- Monica Komasinski
- Monica Owens
- Monica R. Lehnen
- Monika Krcoski
- Monique Sandberg
- Moraine Ridge Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
- Morgan Olson
- Morgan Stanley
- Morgan Township High School
- Morgan Township Middle School
- Mothers & More - Porter County Chapter
- Mothers for Porter County Kids
- Muller Acura of Merrillville
- Munster Chamber of Commerce
- Munster Education Foundaiton
- Munster Girl Scouts
- Munster High School
- Munster Lions Club
- Munster Parks and Recreation
- Munster Police Department
- Munster Rotary Club
- Munster Theatre Company
- Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Myers Elementary School
- Myrna Maldonado
- Myrna Rodriguez
- Nada Vukabratovich
- Nancy A. Riley
- Nancy Adams
- Nancy Bender
- Nancy Crowley
- Nancy Jahnel Barnes
- Nancy Menk
- Nancy Schoon
- Nancy Williams
- Nanny Team
- Naomi Macklin
- Naphtalia Ruth
- Nat Finn
- Natalee Holland
- Natalie Ammons
- Natalie Edwards
- Natalie Mahlmann
- Natalie Thorgren
- Natalie Wilson
- Natalie Wirsing
- Nathan Press
- Nathan Ramian
- Nathan Troxell
- Nathaniel Labhart
- Nathyn Gibson
- National Affordable Housing Trust
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- National Association of Drug Court Professionals
- National Association of Realtors
- National Autism Association
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- National Park Service
- National Parks Conservation Association
- National Scholastic Press Association
- National Spanish Examinations
- Nativity of Our Savior Catholic Church
- Nativity of Our Savior School
- NativityFest
- Nature Stone
- Naudia O'Brien
- Neal Litherland
- NeighborLink
- Neighbors New Vistas High School
- Neighbors' Educational Opportunities
- Neil Davey
- New Buffalo Public Beach
- New Hope Church of God
- New Life Church of God
- New Prairie Football Touchdown Club
- New Prairie High School
- New Prairie HOSA
- New Prairie Middle School
- New Prairie Small Animal Clinic
- New Song Fellowship
- NewDay Foundation
- Newhard Funeral Home
- Nicholas Dapkus
- Nicholas Fortin
- Nicholas Harding
- Nick Colis
- Nick Garstka
- Nick Gilles
- Nick Poulos
- Nick Schrader
- Nicki Mahlmann
- Nicky Rodriguez
- Nicole Barrish
- Nicole Batzek
- Nicole Bissonnette
- Nicole Black
- Nicole Caylor
- Nicole Fackelman
- Nicole Gill
- Nicole Kovalcin
- Nicole Rossmann
- Nicolette Huber
- Nik Jolakoski
- NiSource
- Nissan of Chesterton
- Nitya Shah
- NLMK Indiana
- Noah Molenda
- Noemi Herrera
- Norma Laboy
- Norma Serrano
- Norma Williams
- Northern Indiana Regional Development Authority
- Northlake Pop Warner
- NorthShore Health Centers
- Northview Elementary School
- Northwest Cheer Elite
- Northwest Crossroads Conference
- Northwest Health
- Northwest Health - La Porte
- Northwest Health - Porter
- Northwest Indiana BMX Association
- Northwest Indiana Breast Care Center
- Northwest Indiana Cancer Kids Foundation
- Northwest Indiana Community Action Corporation
- Northwest Indiana Excellence in Theatre Foundation
- Northwest Indiana Food Bank
- Northwest Indiana Football Club
- Northwest Indiana Forum
- Northwest Indiana Green Drinks in Michigan City
- Northwest Indiana Hispanic Mission
- Northwest Indiana Influential Women's Association
- Northwest Indiana Leaders Young Professional Network
- Northwest Indiana McDonalds Operators
- Northwest Indiana Nephrology
- Northwest Indiana Oilmen
- Northwest Indiana Paddling Association
- Northwest Indiana Pride
- Northwest Indiana Professional Network
- Northwest Indiana Quality of Life Council
- Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority
- Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center
- Northwest Indiana Society of Human Resource Management
- Northwest Indiana Society of Innovators
- Northwest Indiana Suicide Prevention Council
- Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra
- Northwest Indiana United Futbol Club
- Northwest Indiana WorkOne
- Northwest ISBDC
- Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission
- Notre Dame Athletics
- Notre Dame Catholic School
- NW Indiana ER & Hospital
- NWI Comic-Con
- NWI Innovators
- NWI Lady Vipers
- NWI Meetup
- NWI Region Runners
- NWI Renegades
- NWI Small Business Development Center
- NWI Soap Box Derby
- NWI Symphony
- NWIndianaLife
- Oak Partners, Inc.
- Oak Ridge Prairie
- Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
- Office of Governor Eric J. Holcomb
- Office of Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch
- Ogden Dunes Women's Club
- Olga Granat
- Olivia Dybing
- Olivia Oster
- Olivia Pierce
- Olivia Wright
- On Coming Alive
- One Guy With Tools
- One Portage
- Operation Feed LaPorte County
- Opportunity Enterprises
- Orr Fellowship
- Oscar Meyer
- Our Community Inc.
- Our Greater Good
- Outback Trail at Imagination Glen
- Overhead Door Of Northwest Indiana™
- Ozinga
- P.A.R.C.
- P.A.V.E. of Michigan City
- Pack Away Hunger
- Paige Maxwell-Prott
- Paige Pope
- Paige Vlietstra
- Paityn Emro
- Paladin, Inc.
- Pam Antonetti
- Parents as Teachers of Porter County
- Paris Buslon
- Parkview Elementary School
- Pastor Derek Perkins
- Pastor DJ Murvine
- Pastor Garner Tullis
- Pastor Jason Kegebein
- Pastor Mike Sutton
- Pastor Phil Willingham
- Pat Olson
- Pat Rhew
- Pat Truax
- Pat Wisniewski
- Patch Harborside Heritage
- Patrice Prunsky
- Patricia Nicholson
- Patricia S Rhew
- Patrick Hurley
- Patrick's Grille
- Patriot INFINITI of Merrillville
- Patty Bird
- Patty Lenburg
- Paul Henry's Art Gallery
- Paul Jankowski
- Paul Schlottman
- Paul Schreiner
- Paul Scott
- Paul Stofko
- Paul Walker
- Pavilion at Wolf Lake
- Pavillion at Wolf Lake
- PawsHere Foundation
- Pax Center
- Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes
- Payton Ball
- Peggy McGuckin
- People Magazine
- PermaGreen Inc.
- Pete Hokanson
- Pete Sattler
- Peter DeYoung
- Peter Fink
- Peter J. Wilson
- Peter Krivas
- Peter Sattler
- Peterson Media
- Peydria Higgins
- Peyton Mahlmann
- Phil Misecko
- Phil Page
- Phil Santay
- Philip Bolton
- Philip Graham
- Philip Russell
- Phillip Herrold
- Phillip Santay
- Pierce Middle School
- Pierogi Fest
- Pine Elementary School
- Pine Fine Arts Magnet School
- Pines Village Retirement Communities
- PJ Ciotola
- Planetary Blues Band
- Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians
- Polish Heritage Committee
- Polish-American Cultural Society of Northwest Indiana
- Polly Liebig
- Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ
- Pop Warner Jr Wolves
- Portage 16 IMAX
- Portage 1st United Methodist Church
- Portage Avenue Baptist Church
- Portage Christian Church
- Portage Christian School
- Portage Community Garden
- Portage Community Historical Society
- Portage Community Market
- Portage Department of Parks and Recreation
- Portage Economic Development Corporation
- Portage Exchange Club
- Portage Fire Department
- Portage First United Methodist Church
- Portage Food Pantry
- Portage Garden Club
- Portage High School
- Portage Indiana Municipal Page
- Portage Jr. Miss Softball
- Portage Kiwanis Club
- Portage Knights of Columbus Council #9114
- Portage Lion's Club
- Portage Little League
- Portage Parent Network
- Portage Parks and Recreation
- Portage Police Department
- Portage Pop Warner
- Portage Porpoise Swim Club
- Portage Public Library
- Portage Public Marina
- Portage Recovery Association
- Portage Resale Shop
- Portage Rotary Club
- Portage Soccer Club
- Portage Theater
- Portage Township
- Portage Township Community Outreach & Communications Coordinator
- Portage Township Education Foundation
- Portage Township Food Pantry
- Portage Township Live Entertainment Association
- Portage Township Parks & Recreation
- Portage Township School Corporation
- Portage Township Schools
- Portage Township Trustee's Office
- Portage Township YMCA
- Portage Travel Baseball
- Portage Tri Kappa
- Portage Tribe Baseball
- Portage VFW Post 7760
- Portage Youth Basketball
- Portage Youth Commission
- PortageLife.com
- Porter County
- Porter County 4-H
- Porter County 4-H Youth Program
- Porter County Aging and Community Services
- Porter County Ambassador Family
- Porter County Animal Rescue Team
- Porter County Animal Shelter
- Porter County Assessor's Office
- Porter County Auditor
- Porter County Auditor Vicki Urbanik
- Porter County Builders Association
- Porter County Building Trades Corporation
- Porter County Career and Technical Center
- Porter County CASA
- Porter County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America
- Porter County Clerk of the Circuit Court
- Porter County Coalition For Affordable Housing
- Porter County Commissioner John Evans
- Porter County Commissioner Nancy Adams
- Porter County Community Foundation
- Porter County Department of Child Services
- Porter County Expo Center
- Porter County Fair
- Porter County Family Counseling Center
- Porter County Government
- Porter County Hispanic Assembly
- Porter County Historical Society
- Porter County INPART Committee
- Porter County Limb Loss Friends
- Porter County Master Gardeners Association
- Porter County Master Recyclers
- Porter County Museum
- Porter County Parks & Recreation
- Porter County Parks Foundation
- Porter County Public Library System
- Porter County Recorder
- Porter County Recycling and Waste Reduction
- Porter County Regional Airport
- Porter County Sheriff's Department
- Porter County Special Olympics
- Porter County Substance Abuse Council
- Porter County Tennis Group
- Porter County TRIAD
- Porter County Voters Registration Office
- Porter Fire Department
- Porter Regional Hospital
- Porter Township School Corporation
- Porter-Starke Services
- Porterfield Family Chiropractic
- Ports of Indiana
- Posey Family
- Positive Approach to Teen Health (PATH)
- Powers Health
- Premier, Inc.
- Presbyterian Church of La Porte
- Presbyterian Church of Portage
- Presbyterian Weekday Nursery School
- Prevent Child Abuse Porter County (PCAPC)
- Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
- Project Lead The Way
- Project Linus
- Project Neighbors
- Project Rebuild
- Promise Indiana
- Provider Wellness Symposium
- Prudential
- Psi Iota Xi
- Pulaski County Community Development Commission
- Pulse Technology
- Pumps Fitness
- Purdue Alumni Club of Northwest Indiana
- Purdue Cooperative Extension Service
- Purdue Extension - La Porte County
- Purdue Extension - Porter County
- Purdue Federal Credit Union
- Purdue University
- Purdue University Northwest
- Quarter Queens
- Queen of All Saints Parish
- Queen of All Saints School
- Quinlan Scott
- Quisha King
- R. Kim Hall
- Rachel Calderone
- Rachel Front
- Rachel Lieske
- Rachel Meeks
- Rachel Noll
- Rachel Ramos
- Rachelle Ploetz
- Rafael Ferreira
- Randall Nicholas
- Randy Walker
- Ranya Kawamleh
- Ray Gudas
- READ La Porte County
- Ready NWI
- Real Life Community Church
- Realty Executives Premier
- Rebecca Bailey
- Rebecca Libauskas
- Rebecca Rosado
- Rebecca Wagner
- Rebecca Woods
- Rebel Race
- Rebora Plaza
- Rebuilding Together
- Rebuilding Together Duneland
- Rebuilding Together La Porte
- Rebuilding Together of South Lake County
- Rebuilding Together Portage
- Rebuilding Together-Valparaiso
- Recyclean, Inc.
- Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County
- Redwood Landscape
- Reed Swift
- Reeder's Auto Service Center
- Reese Taylor
- Regan Bandy
- Reggie Flesvig
- Regina Ellis
- Region Rat Rollers
- Region Sports Network
- Regional Care Group
- Regional Federal Credit Union
- Regional Mental Health Center / Geminus Corp.
- Regional Performing Arts Company
- Regional Plumbing Heating & Air
- Reid Amones
- Reine Siegel
- Reins of Life
- Relay for Life
- Relay for Life of Duneland
- Relay for Life of Greater Valparaiso
- Relay for Life of La Porte
- Relay for Life of South Lake County
- Residences at Coffee Creek
- Residences at Deer Creek
- Residences Senior Living
- Retreat at Serendipity Province
- Rev Gregory Augustus jones
- Reverend John Albers
- RG Skadberg
- Rhame, Elwood and McClure
- Rhonda Schrock
- Rhyme & Reason Ministry, Inc
- Ric Frataccia
- Ricci Emmons
- Rich Bachman
- Rich Bafia
- Rich Pearson
- Rich Venture
- Richard Murphy
- Richard Orelup
- Rick Ashmore
- Rick Bella
- Rick Budka
- Rick Crawford
- Rick Cruz
- Rick Flutka
- Rick Gosser
- Rick Henke
- Rick Snodgrass
- Riley Ramirez
- Rita Muñoz
- Rittenhouse Village at Portage
- Rittenhouse Villages
- River Valley Garden Club
- Ro Guerrero
- Road to Life Church
- Rob Behrend
- Rob Thorgren
- Rob Walsh
- Rob Zborowski
- Robbie Hummel Basketball Camp
- Robbinhurst Golf Club and Driving Range
- Robby Schneider
- Robert Ashby
- Robert Blaszkiewicz
- Robert Blumenthal
- Robert Casiano
- Robert Cespedes
- Robert Ferre
- Robert Gorincen
- Robert J. Costino
- Robert M Gerry
- Robert O'Donnell
- Robert Ordway
- Robert Taft Middle School
- Roberta Willis
- Roberto Herrera
- Robin Martinez
- Robin Schulte
- Robin Wilkening
- Robyn Walsworth
- Rocco Blaisdell
- RockZip High Balloons
- Rodolfo Sandoval
- Rogers-Lakewood park
- Rolling Hills Vineyard Church
- Rolling Prairie Elementary School
- Ron Delhaye
- Ron Meer
- Ronald Benson
- Rophe Care Life
- Rory Neary
- Rose Andrie
- Rose Pomeroy
- Roseland Rotary Club
- Rotaract Club of PNC
- Rotary Club of La Porte
- Rotary Club of Michigan City
- Rotary Club of South Bend
- Rotary Club of Valparaiso
- Ruby Congleton-Giancaspro
- Ruby Mioduski
- Runnin' for Prestin
- Running Vines Winery & Aftermath Cidery & Winery
- Ruth Anne Olsen
- Ruth Parks
- Ruthie Mathews
- Ryan Costello
- Ryan McCormick
- Ryan Rivera
- Ryan Steinbeck
- Ryan Wynkoop
- Ryleigh Pierce
- Rylin Sherron
- Sabina Patel
- Sacred Heart Catholic Church
- Safe Harbor
- Safechr
- Sage-Popovich, Inc.
- Sailing4Sight
- Saint Mary's College
- Saint Paul Catholic School
- Saint Xavier University
- Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Church
- Salem Chapel United Methodist Church
- Salk Elementary School
- Salon Amara
- Salvation Army of East Chicago
- Salvation Army of La Porte
- Salvation Army of Lake County
- Salvation Army of Michigan City
- Salvation Army of Porter County
- Sam Anello
- Sam Barloga
- Sam Malkowski
- Samantha Engel
- Samantha Goethals
- Samantha Kazmierczak
- Samantha Lee Moore
- Samantha Malkowski
- Samantha Marino
- Samantha Silverthorn
- Samantha Smith
- Samaritan Counseling Center
- Sand Creek Country Club
- Sandpaper
- Sandra Schaffer
- Sandy Gleim
- Sapper Six 5K Memorial Race
- Sara Binder
- Sarah Akins
- Sarah Corn
- Sarah Curry
- Sarah DeMars
- Sarah Dwight
- Sarah Farthing-Hudson
- Sarah Jackett
- Sarah Kootstra
- Sarah Richardson
- Sarah Simon
- Sarah Zygmuntowski
- Sauers Buick GMC
- Sauers Ford Lincoln
- Savannah Hefty
- Save the Dunes
- Saving Throw NWI
- Saylor Elementary School
- SC Johnson
- Scarlett Labuda
- Schererville Lions Club
- Schererville Parks and Recreation Department
- School City of East Chicago
- School City of Hammond
- School City of Hobart
- School City of Mishawaka
- Schultz Floral
- Scott Garrison
- Scott Gerig
- Scott Jones
- Scott Kresca
- Scott Mitchell
- Scott Pelath
- Scott Sebert
- Scott Swinford
- Sean Byvoets
- Sean Wiggins & lOne gOat
- Sebos Nursing Rehabilitation Center
- Second Chance 4 Pets Network
- SELF School
- Sergei Ganz
- Sergio Sanchez
- Sergio Valdes
- Service League of Northwest Indiana
- Shanetta Jordan
- Shannon Burhans
- Shannon Eason
- ShareFest
- Sharon Kish
- Sharon M Burke
- Shawn Barnes
- Shawn Gallagher
- Shawna Bartish
- Shedd Aquarium
- Sheep's Clothing
- Sheila Nero
- Shelby Clindaniel
- Shelby Prouty
- Shelby Rushnok
- Shelly Surber
- Shequitta Kelly
- Sherry Efford
- Shiana Masterson
- Shine the Light, LLC
- Shirley Heinze Land Trust
- Shive-Hattery
- Sidney Moore
- Sierra Club
- Sinai Forum
- Skylar Scearce
- Skyler Sherwood
- Sleep Airway Solutions
- Smith Legal Group
- Social Action Leadership Team (SALT)
- Social and Learning Institute
- Society of Innovators of Northwest Indiana
- Sofia Hay
- Sojourner Truth House
- Sophia Pizzi
- Soulshine
- South Bend Chocolate Company
- South Bend Community School Corporation
- South Bend Office of the Mayor
- South Bend Young Professionals Network
- South Central Elementary School
- South Central Junior-Senior High School
- South Haven Boys & Girls Club
- South Haven Christian Church
- South Haven Christian School
- South Haven Elementary School
- South Haven Fire Department
- South Haven Lions Club
- South Haven Little League
- South Haven Public Library
- South Shore Arts
- South Shore Arts & Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra
- South Shore Children's Choir
- South Shore Clean Cities
- South Shore Convention & Visitors Authority
- South Shore Dance Alliance
- South Shore Foot and Ankle
- South Shore Leadership Center
- South Shore Legends
- South Shore Line
- South Shore Orchestra
- South Shore Roller Girls
- South Shore Trails
- South Shore Wall of Legends
- South Suburban College
- Southern Shore Art Association
- Southlake Auto Mall
- Southlake Children's Choir
- Southlake Family YMCA
- Southlake Nissan
- Special Olympics Indiana
- Specialty Physicians of Illinois
- Spring Mill Health Campus
- Spring Valley Homeless Shelter
- St Agnes Adult Day Service Center
- St Catherine Hopsital
- St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
- St. Catherine Hospital
- St. Iakovos Greek Orthodox Church
- St. John Chamber of Commerce
- St. John Indiana Garden Club
- St. John Men's Club
- St. John Police Department
- St. John's Lutheran School
- St. John's United Church
- St. Johns Lutheran Church
- St. Joseph Community Health Foundation
- St. Joseph County Public Library
- St. Joseph's Lutheran Church
- St. Jude House
- St. Jude's Children's Hospital
- St. Katherine's Philoptochos Society
- St. Mary Catholic Community Schools
- St. Mary Medical Center
- St. Mary's Community Catholic School
- St. Mary’s Catholic Church of Crown Point
- St. Matthias Parish
- St. Paul Catholic Church
- St. Paul Episcopal Church
- St. Paul Lutheran Church of Kouts
- St. Paul Lutheran School
- St. Paul Men's Club
- St. Paul Religious Education
- St. Paul Respect Life Committee
- St. Paul Tiny Tims Child Development
- St. Paul's Parish Church
- St. Paul's Preschool
- St. Peter Lutheran Church
- St. Peter Lutheran Church of Portage
- St. Stanislaus Parish Renaissance Campaign
- St. Teresa of Avila
- St. Thomas More Church
- Stacey Kellogg
- Stacey Schmidt - Director of Elementary Education
- Staci L. Pearman
- Stacy Glidden
- Stacy Molzhon
- Stacy Vesling
- Staff
- Stan Zygmunt
- Star Plaza Theatre
- Starke County Economic Development Foundation
- Starry Night Chicago
- Startup Moxie
- Startup Weekend Of Northwest Indiana
- State of Indiana
- State Park Little League
- State Senator Ed Charbonneau
- State Senator Jim Arnold
- State Senator Karen Tallian
- State Street Community Church
- Steamroller Printmaking Project
- Steel Wheels BMX
- Stefan Barkow
- Stefan Krajisnik
- Stefan Krajisnik and Sofia Hay
- Stefen Hutchins
- Steindler Signs & Graphix
- Steiner Homes
- Stephanie Dusza
- Stephanie Hart
- Stephanie Jones
- Stephanie Precourt
- Stephanie Truitt
- Stephen Audretch
- Stephen DeLeon
- Stepping Stone Shelter for Women, Inc.
- Sterling House and Clare Bridge of Valparaiso
- Steve Coates
- Steve Jackson
- Steve Segura
- Steve Sopko
- Steven Neville
- Stewart House Urban Farm & Gardens
- Stone Lake Beach
- Stony Gardens
- Stop the Hush
- Story Point
- StoryPoint Chesterton
- Strack & Van Til
- Subaru of Merrillville
- Sublime Homes
- Sue Beres
- Sue Brown Nickerson
- Sue Chlebek
- Summer Crownover
- Summer Symphony Middle School and High School Orchestras
- Sunset Grille
- Sunset Hill Farm County Park
- Sunshine PAWS
- Surf Internet
- Susan Colvin
- Susan G. Komen for the Cure Northern Indiana
- Susan Kelly-Johnson
- Susannah Circle
- Susannah Larson
- Susie Brown Gebhardt
- Suzanne Seifert
- Suzanne Willems
- Swanson Center
- Sydney Barnette
- Sydney Evans
- Sydney Perry
- Sylvan Learning Center
- Sylvia Rotole
- Symphony Post Acute Network
- Tabatha Kehoe
- Tacy Fletcher
- Tami Truex
- Tamia Jernigan
- Tammy Zack
- Tara Kleefisch
- Tate Kwiecinski
- Taylor Bundren
- Taylor Clemens
- Taylor Granat
- Taylor Hirstein
- Taylor Irby
- Teagin Powers
- Team Chevy
- Tech Credit Union
- Tennis Parent Committee
- Teresa Snodgrass
- Terri Cummins
- Terri Wieczorek-Holiday
- Terry Hufford
- Terry's Discount Windows & More
- Tessa Maguire
- Texas Roadhouse
- Thaddeus C. Gallery
- Thaddeus Cutler
- The Brooks At Vale Park
- The Caring Place
- The Crawpuppies
- The Design Barn
- The Excel Center
- The Frost House
- The Harley-Davidson Shop of Michigan City
- The Lakes of Valparaiso
- The Mop Squad
- The Spice and Tea Exchange
- The Tech Project
- The Unemployed Project
- The Way Down Wanderers
- Theatre at the Center
- Theresa Jarratt
- Theresa Potesta
- Theta Alpha Omega
- Thierry Lyles
- THK Law, LLP
- Thomas A. Edison Jr.-Sr. High School
- Thomas Dodge Chrysler Jeep RAM
- Thomas Jefferson Elementary
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School
- Thomas Kia
- Thomas Little
- Thomson
- Three Lions FC
- Thrifty and Chic
- Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
- Tiana Mathis
- Tiffani Martin
- Tiffanie Richerme
- Tiffany Bley
- Tim Burkman, P.E. City of Valparaiso Engineering Director
- Tim Campos
- Tim Czekaj
- Tim Engel
- Tim Flener
- Tim Moran
- Tim Wolak
- TimberSeal, LLC
- Timothy Ball Elementary School
- Timothy Fealy
- Timothy James Stephens
- Timothy Lowe
- Tina Huffine
- Tina Morales
- Tina St. Aubin
- TJ Stephens
- Tobacco Education & Prevention Coalition for Porter County
- Todd Elliott
- Tom Cavanaugh
- Tom Dermody
- Tom Feeney
- Tom Gott
- Tom Grisafi
- Tom Little
- Tom Naumoski
- Tom Serratore
- Tom Steindler
- Tom TenHove
- Tom's Barbershop
- Tommy Callaghan
- Tommy Elwood
- Tonia McLinn
- Tony Ketcham
- Tony Lau
- Tony Wood
- Tonya Gustafson
- Tori Kegebein
- Tour de La Porte
- Towle Theater
- Town of Beverly Shores
- Town of Burns Harbor
- Town of Burns Harbor Redevelopment Commission
- Town of Chesterton
- Town of Dyer
- Town of Griffith
- Town of Highland
- Town of Munster
- Town of Porter
- Town of Schererville
- Traci Van Gundy, Real Estate
- Tracy L. Freeze
- Tradewinds Services, Inc.
- Trail Creek Watershed
- Travis Gearhart
- Trent D. Pendley
- Trevor Mahlmann
- Trey Psota
- Tri Kappa
- Tri Kappa Zeta Mu Sorority
- Tri Kappa, Delta Upsilon Chapter
- Tri-Creek School Corporation Central Office
- Tricia Bloom
- Trilogy Health Services
- Trinity Austin
- Trinity Church
- Trinity Episcopal Church
- Trinity Lutheran School
- Trish Ramirez
- Trish Taylor
- Tristen Comegys
- Troy Campbell
- Troy Gill
- Troy Williams
- Tryon Farm
- Tudor Carpet One Floor & More
- Tya Combs
- Tyler Bush
- Tyler Hufford
- Tyler Prendergast
- U.S. Small Business Administration
- Union Community Church
- Union Township School Corporation
- United Methodist Church
- United States Postal Service
- United Urban Network, Inc.
- United Way Northwest Indiana
- United Way of La Porte County
- United Way Regional Volunteer Center
- UnitedHealthcare
- Unity Foundation of La Porte County
- University of Notre Dame
- University of Saint Francis
- Uptown Arts District
- Uptown East Apartments
- Urban League of Northwest Indiana
- Urschel Laboratories, Inc.
- US College Planning
- Vale Church of Christ
- Vale of Paradise Garden Club
- Vale Park Animal Hospital
- Valerie LaMonica
- Valerie Townsend
- Valley Kitchen & Bar
- Valparaiso AAUW Affiliate
- Valparaiso Alternative School
- Valparaiso American Legion Post 94
- Valparaiso Americans Baseball
- Valparaiso Area Girl Scouts
- Valparaiso Band Parents Association
- Valparaiso Branch of AAUW
- Valparaiso Chain of Lakes Watershed Group
- Valparaiso Chapter 324 of STAR Touring and Riding
- Valparaiso Community Egg Hunt
- Valparaiso Community Schools
- Valparaiso Creative Council
- Valparaiso Economic Development Corp.
- Valparaiso Elks Lodge #500
- Valparaiso Events
- Valparaiso Family Dentistry
- Valparaiso Family YMCA
- Valparaiso Fire Department Local 1124
- Valparaiso First United Methodist
- Valparaiso Green Drinks
- Valparaiso High School
- Valparaiso Human Relations Council
- Valparaiso International Center
- Valparaiso Kennel Club
- Valparaiso Library Friends
- Valparaiso Lions Club
- Valparaiso Nationals
- Valparaiso Nazarene Church
- Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis Club
- Valparaiso Orchestra
- Valparaiso Parks Department
- Valparaiso Police Department
- Valparaiso Pop Warner
- Valparaiso Public Library
- Valparaiso Public Works
- Valparaiso Rotary Club
- Valparaiso Soccer Academy
- Valparaiso Soccer Club
- Valparaiso Sunrise Kiwanis Club
- Valparaiso Swim Club
- Valparaiso Theatrical Company
- Valparaiso Tour Stop of The Wings of Freedom Tour
- Valparaiso Traffic & Safety Committee
- Valparaiso Tri Kappa
- Valparaiso University
- Valparaiso Vikings 12U Travel Baseball Team
- Valparaiso Vikings Quarterback Club
- Valparaiso Woman's Association
- Valparaiso Wrestling CLub
- Valpo American Legion Baseball
- Valpo Corn Roast Fest
- Valpo Hockey Club
- Valpo Next
- Valpo Parks
- Valpo Parks Foundation
- Valpo Phoenix Softball
- Valpo Schools Foundation
- Valpo Web Design & Marketing
- ValpoLife.com
- Value Flooring
- Vein & Laser Institute
- VFW Post 1954
- VFW Post 717
- VFW Post 988
- Vicki Crockett
- Vicki Román-Lagunas, IU Northwest
- Vicki Schmidt
- Victoria Smith Ubben
- VicTory 4 Kidz
- Video
- Vidette Makes
- Village Park
- Village Park Enrichment Center at Banta
- Virgil Sweet
- Virtuous Events
- VisionPoint
- Visions of Santana formerly Soundz of Santana
- Visit Michigan City La Porte
- Visiting Nurse Association
- Vivian Mundell
- VNA Hospice NWI
- Von Tobel Lumber & Hardware
- Vote 411
- Warriors First Foundation
- Washington Evangelical Free Church
- Washington Park Zoo
- Washington Park Zoological Society
- Washington Stage Theatre
- Washington Township Elementary School
- Washington Township High School
- Washington Township Middle School
- Watson Elementary
- WCOE 96.7 The Eagle
- We Connect
- We Create Media
- Webb Hyundai Highland
- Weiss Entities
- Welcome Mat (by The VIC)
- Well, A Christian Community
- Wellfield Botanic Gardens
- Wendy Burns
- Wendy Marciniak
- Wendy Schnarr
- Wes Griffith
- West Side Leadership Academy
- Westchester Intermediate School
- Westchester Public Library
- Westchester Township History Museum
- Westfield Southlake
- Westville Alumni Association
- Westville High School
- Westville Lions Club
- Westville Middle School
- Westville Schools
- Westville Tri Kappa
- Westville United Methodist Church
- What's New LaPorte?
- Wheeler High School
- Wheeler United Methodist Church
- Whistle Pigs
- Whiting High School
- Whiting Park Festival Orchestra
- Wilbur Wright Middle School
- Will Tallackson
- William Atkins
- William Hatczel
- William J. Lowe, Ph.D.
- William Pauley
- Willowcreek Middle School
- Winfield Community Foundation
- Winfield Elementary
- Winfield Library
- Winfield LOFS Chamber of Commerce
- Wirt-Emerson Visual and Performing Arts High Ability Academy
- Wise Guys Liquors
- Women at WIRC
- Women in Leadership La Porte County
- Woodland Park Preschool
- Worthy Women Recovery Home
- WVLP 98.3 FM
- Wvlp-lp 103.1 fm
- Yatziri Moreno
- Ymari Banuelos
- YMCA of Greater Michiana
- Young People’s Theatre Company
- Youth Service Bureau Big Brothers Big Sisters of La Porte County
- Youth Service Bureau Big Brothers Big Sisters of La Porte County, Inc.
- Yvonne Godfrey
- Zach Blair
- Zack Kassner
- Zahra Nwabara
- Zander Marcotte
- Zanny Begg
- Zao Island
- Zavier Colon
- Zeta Psi Chapter of Tri Kappa
- Zoe Brickner
- Zoe Olesker
- Zoppe Family Inc